Characteristic of the scientific and research work
The Institute is oriented to theoretical and applied research in technical cybernetics, informatics, information technology and artificial intelligence. The research is concentrated on the following areas:
- Parallel Computing: design of theoretical models, architectures, methods, algorithms, simulations, program tools, performance analysis oriented to parallel and distributed environments.
- Information Technology: design of information system elements and their technological realisations. Diagnostic and testing of information processing systems, methods, algorithms for test pattern generation and fault simulation for digital circuits and systems at logical and behavioral levels. Research of parameters and properties of nano- and micro-structures and their realisation with the use of electron beam lithography. Development of experimental laboratory equipment and printed circuit boards.
- Control Theory, where focus is on DES (discrete event systems) control using modelling methods like Petri nets, neural networks, statecharts, object-oriented modelling and simulation that enable automated syntactical and semantical verification of the model’s behaviour as well as new design methods based on stochastic approaches using markovian and semimarkovian processes. Application of these methods is widely spread in dealing with manufacturing processes, FMS, real-time systems, etc.
- Robotics, in which attention is on the problems of static, kinematic and force analysis of robotic kinematic chains (expert systems for design, analysis and solution of robot kinematic structures, robot force and compliance control), on advanced control systems equipped with higher forms of control programming and animation of robotic manufacturing systems activity in real-time and on sensor based information systems and effectors for robotics and automation. In the field of mobile robotic systems the problems of scene mapping and the motion control synthesis in the partly unknown environment are being solved.
- Recognition Systems are investigated in two directions: speech processing (man-machine communication, speech recognition, speech synthesis in Slovak) and image processing (image coding, image compression, digital and computational geometry and approximation theory). One important application domain is that of preparing cadastral maps.
The Institute publishes the scientific journal Computing and Informatics.
At the Institute there is a good book and journal collection from the field being solved there. |
The most important results in year
The most important results of the basic research in year 2020:
- An agent-based algorithm resembles behavior of tree-dwelling bats under fission-fusion dynamics
(Agentové simulácie správania stromových netopierov pri fission-fusion dynamike)
Authors: Ján Zelenka, Tomáš Kasanický, Ivana Budinská
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- Study of nature-inspired optimization methods with machine learning in network communication
(Štúdium optimalizačných metód inšpirovaných prírodou so strojovým učením v sieťovej komunikácii)
Author (II SAS): Giang Nguyen
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- An empirical study of the effect of acoustic-prosodic entrainment on the perceived trustworthiness of conversational avatars
(Empirická štúdia vplyvu akusticko-prozodického prispôsobovania na vnímanú dôveryhodnosť konverzačných avatarov)
Authors: Štefan Beňuš, Marian Trnka
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
The most important results of the application type in year 2020:
- System for Localization, Tracking and Fire Process Control
(Systém vyhľadávania, sledovania a riadenia procesu streľby)
Authors: Karol Dobrovodský, Pavel Andris
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- Automatic speech recognition for Readmio application
(Rozpoznávač reči pre aplikáciu Readmio)
Authors: Milan Rusko, Marian Trnka, Sachia Darjaa, Róbert Sabo, Marian Ritomský
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- Software prototype for facial image authentication based on image steganography
(Softvérový prototyp overovania autenticity obrazov tvárí na báze obrazovej steganografie)
Authors: Radoslav Forgáč, Miloš Očkay, Ján Astaloš, Lenka Skovajsová, Roman Krakovský
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
The most important international scientific projects in year 2020:
- European Open Science Cloud – Expanding Capacities by building Capabilities (EOSC-Synergy)
(Európsky cloud pre otvorenú vedu – rozšírenie kapacít budovaním infraštruktúrneho potenciálu)
Researchers (II SAS): Ladislav Hluchý, Viet Tran, Ján Astaloš, Miroslav Dobrucký, Martin Bobák
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- Designing and Enabling E-infrastructures for intensive Processing in a Hybrid DataCloud (DEEP-HybridDataCloud)
(Návrh a sprístupnenie e-infraštruktúr pre intenzívne spracovanie v hybridnom dátovom cloude)
Researchers (II SAS): Martin Bobák, Štefan Dlugolinský, Ondrej Habala, Ladislav Hluchý, Giang Nguyen, Martin Šeleng, Viet Tran
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- PROviding Computing solutions for ExaScale challengeS (PROCESS)
(Poskytovanie výpočtových riešení pre výzvy v oblasti ExaScale)
Researchers (II SAS): Martin Bobák, Štefan Dlugolinský, Ondrej Habala, Ladislav Hluchý, Giang Nguyen, Martin Šeleng, Viet Tran
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
The most important results in year
The most important results of the basic research in year 2019:
- Study of neural networks in combination with nature-inspired algorithms in cloud computing and network communication
(Štúdium neurónových sietí v kombinácií s algoritmami inšpirovanými prírodou v cloud computingu a sieťovej komunikácii)
Authors (II SAS): Giang Nguyen
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- Universal framework for remote firmware updates of low-power devices
(Univerzálny framework pre vzdialené aktualizácie firmvéru nízkopríkonových zariadení)
Authors: Ondrej Kachman, Marcel Baláž, Peter Malík
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- Analysis of distributed consensus-based algorithms for data aggregation
(Distribuované algoritmy založené na dosahovaní konsenzu pre agregáciu dát)
Authors: Martin Kenyeres
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
The most important results of the application type in year 2019:
- Acoustic Output of the Railway Information Systems for Visually Impaired Passengers
(Akustický výstup informačných tabúľ na železniciach pre nevidiacich)
Authors: Milan Rusko, Marián Trnka, Sakhia Darjaa
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- Computer simulation and visualization of fires for improvement of road tunnel safety
(Simulácia a vizualizácia požiarov na zvýšenie bezpečnosti cestných tunelov)
Authors: Ján Glasa, Peter Weisenpacher, Lukáš Valášek
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- Integration and data processing for agriculture
(Integrácia a spracovanie dát pre poľnohospodárstvo)
Authors: Zelenka Ján, Kasanický Tomáš, Fajdel Valentín, Mojžiš Ján, Budinská Ivana
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- Automated Subtitling of Audiovisual Content for Hearing Impaired
(Automatické titulkovanie audiovizuálneho obsahu pre sluchovo postihnutých)
Authors: Milan Rusko, Marian Trnka, Róbert Sabo, Sakhia Darjaa, Marian Ritomský
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
The most important international scientific projects in year 2019:
- DEEP-HybridDataCloud : Designing and Enabling E-infrastructures for intensive Processing in a Hybrid DataCloud
(Návrh a sprístupnenie e-infraštruktúr pre intenzívne spracovanie v hybridnom dátovom cloude)
Researchers (II SAS): Ladislav Hluchý, Viet Tran, Martin Šeleng, Martin Bobák, Giang Nguyen, Štefan Dlugolinský, Ondrej Habala
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- Enhancing ATM Security by means of Conformance Monitoring and automatic Speech Analysis
(Zvýšenie bezpečnosti riadenia leteckej premávky s pomocou monitorovania zhody a automatickej analýzy reči)
Researchers (II SAS): Milan Rusko, Marián Trnka, Sakhia Darjaa
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- GPU virtual machine and Dynamic DNS service
(GPU virtuálny stroj a dynamická DNS služba v infraštruktúre EOSC-hub)
Researchers (II SAS): Viet Tran, Ján Astaloš, Miroslav Dobrucký a Ladislav Hluchý
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
The most important results in year
The most important results of the basic research in year 2018:
- Cosine-/Sine-Modulated Filter Banks: General Properties, Fast Algorithms and Integer Approximations
(Kosínusovo/sínusovo modulované diskrétne blokové transformácie: vlastnosti, efektívne algoritmy a celočíselné aproximácie)
Author: Vladimír Britaňák
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- Enhancement of digital circuit reliability on the random logic and RAM level using redundancy elements
(Zvyšovanie spoľahlivosti digitálnych obvodov na úrovni náhodnej logiky a pamätí RAM s využitím záložných prvkov)
Authors: Štefan Krištofík, Marcel Baláž, Peter Malík
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- New thin film materials for gas sensors and hard metals and MEMS strguctures for chosen applications
(Tenkovrstvové materiály pre senzory plynov a ťažkých kovov a MEMS štruktúry pre vybrané aplikácie)
Authors: Robert Andok and a team of Electron beam litography II SAS
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- Entrainment profiles: Comparison by gender, role, and feature set
(Vplyv pohlavia, komunikatívnej úlohy a prozodických charakteristík na rečové prispôsobovanie sa)
Author: Štefan Beňuš
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
The most important results of the application type in year 2018:
- Database of speech under stress using a simulation in virtual realit
(Databáza reči pod stresom s využitím simulácie vo virtuálnej realite)
Authors: Róbert Sabo, Marian Ritomský
Annotation and main outputs
- System for collecting and monitoring data from dynamic web pages
(Systém pre zber a monitorovanie dát z dynamických webových stránok)
Author: Emil Gatial
Annotation and main outputs
- Optimalization for precision agriculture – application map
(Optimalizácia pre presné poľnohospodárstvo – aplikačná mapa)
Authors: Zelenka Ján, Kasanický Tomáš, Fajdel Valentín, Budinská Ivana
Annotation and main outputs
The most important international scientific projects in year 2018:
- PROCESS – PROviding Computing solutions for ExaScale ChallengeS
(PROCESS – Poskytovanie výpočtových riešení pre výzvy v oblasti ExaScale)
Researchers from II SAS: Ladislav Hluchý, Martin Bobák, Štefan Dlugolinský, Ondrej Habala, Giang Nguyen, Martin Šeleng and Viet Tran
Annotation and main outputs
The most important results in year
The most important results of the basic research in year 2017:
- Causal partitioning of dependent variables in structural equations with differentiable right-hand side
(Kauzálny rozklad závislých premenných v štrukturálnych rovniciach s diferencovateľnou pravou stranou)
Author: Marcel Kvassay
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- Investigation of electrons interaction in resist in the preparation process of nanophotonic structures using direct writing electron beam lithography
(Interakcia elektrónov v reziste v procese prípravy nanofotonických štruktúr metódou priamej viacúrovňovej elektrónovej litografie)
Author: Robert Andok
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- Parallel realization of computer simulation of fire in structures with high concentration of visitors
(Paralelná realizácia počítačovej simulácie požiaru v objekte s vysokou koncentráciou návštevníkov)
Authors: Lukáš Valášek, Ján Glasa
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
The most important results of the application type in year 2017:
- Experimental research and fire simulation for increase of road tunnels safety
(Experimentálny výskum a počítačová simulácia požiarov na zvýšenie bezpečnosti cestných tunelov)
Authors: Ján Glasa, Peter Weisenpacher, Lukáš Valášek
Annotation and main outputs
- Decision influence and proactive sale support in a chain of convenience stores
(Vplyv na rozhodovanie zákazníka a podpora aktívneho predaja v sieti kamenných obchodov s rozličným tovarom)
Authors: Ladislav Hluchý, Giang Nguyen, Martin Šeleng, Štefan Dlugolinský
Annotation and main outputs
The most important international scientific projects in year 2017:
- Global ATM security management GAMMA
(Globálny bezpečnostný manažment riadenia letovej prevádzky)
Authors: Rusko, M., Trnka, M., Darjaa, S., Guoth, I., Sabo, R., Ritomský, M.
Annotation and main outputs
- Relationship between trust and entrainment in speech
(Vzťah medzi dôveryhodnosťou a rečovým prispôsobovaním sa)
Authors: Beňuš, Š., Rusko, M., Sabo, R., Trnka, M.
Annotation and main outputs
- Integrating accelerators for intensive computing into the EGI e-infrastructure federative cloud
(Integrovanie akcelerátorov pre intenzívne počítanie do federatívneho cloudu európskej výpočtovej infraštruktúry EGI)
Authors: Ján Astaloš, Miroslav Dobrucký, Ladislav Hluchý, Viet Tran
Annotation and main outputs
The most important results in year
The most important results of the basic research in year 2016:
- Parallel realization of computer simulation of automobile fire and its spread to an adjacent vehicle using high-performance computer cluster
(Paralelná realizácia počítačovej simulácie požiaru automobilu a jeho šírenia na susedné vozidlo na vysokovýkonnom klastri počítačov)
Authors: Peter Weisenpacher, Ján Glasa, Ladislav Halada
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- Articulatory characteristics of Lombard speech Global coordination of the jaw, lips and the tongue
(Komplexná artikulačná charakteristika reči v hlučnom prostredí. Globálna koordinácia sánky, pier a jazyka)
Authors: Štefan Beňuš
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
- Computation resilience and performance optimization for large-scale applications in high-performance and distributed environments
(Adaptabilita výpočtov a optimalizácia výkonu výpočtovo-náročných aplikácií vo vysoko-výkonných a distribuovaných prostrediach)
Authors: Ladislav Hluchý, Giang Nguyen, Martin Bobák, Viera Šipková, Viet Tran, Ján Astaloš, Miroslav Dobrucký
Annotation and main scientometric outputs
The most important results of the application type in year 2016:
- Emergency Responder Data Interoperability Network
(Systém pre dátovú interoperabilitu záchranárskych zložiek)
Authors: Zoltán Balogh, Emil Gatial, Ladislav Hluchý
Annotation and main outputs
The most important international scientific projects in year 2016:
- Accelerated Computing in Cloud
(Accelerated Computing in Cloud)
Authors: Ján Astaloš, Miroslav Dobrucký, Ladislav Hluchý, Viet Tran
Annotation and main outputs
- Experimental study and simulations of lithographic parameters of e-beam resist HSQ and CSAR62
(Experimentálny výskum a simulácie litografických parametrov elektrónových rezistov HSQ a CSAR62)
Authors: Robert Andok, Vladislav Barák, Anna Benčurová, Anna Konečníková, Ivan Kostič, Pavol Nemec, Adrian Ritomský
Annotation and main outputs
The most important results in year
The most important results of the basic research in year 2015:
- Spectral Band Replication (SBR) kompresná technológia: unifikované efektívne a nízkonákladové implementácie komplexných exponenciálne a kosínusovo modulovaných QMF sústav filtrov
(Spectral Band Replication (SBR) compression technology: The unified efficient low-cost implementations of complex exponential- and cosine-modulated QMF banks)
Authors: Vladimír Britaňák
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
- Reliability increase of digital computational cores
(Zvýšenie spoľahlivosti digitálnych výpočtových jadier)
Authors: Marcel Baláž, Peter Malík, Štefan Krištofík, Mária Fischerová
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
- Control and Coordination System of Heterogeneous Robotic Swarm Supported by Biologically Inspired Method
(Riadiaci a koordinačný systém heterogénnej skupiny robotov podporovaný metódami inšpirované prírodou)
Authors: Ján Zelenka, Tomáš Kasanický
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
The most important results of the application type in year 2015:
- Automatic transcription of dictation and voice input for the information system of the General Prosecutor’s Office, PATRICIA
Automatický prepis diktátu a hlasový vstup pre informačný systém Generálnej Prokuratúry PATRICIA)
Authors: Milan Rusko, Marian Trnka, Sachia Darjaa, Róbert Sabo, Marian Ritomský, Juraj Pálfy
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
- Research in the field of mobile device Big Data transfer security and preparation of automated data privacy tools – pilot project
(Výskum v oblasti bezpečnosti prenosu rozsiahlych dát mobilných zariadení a príprave automatizovaných nástrojov udržiavania súkromia a privátnosti dát – pilotný projekt)
Authors: Ladislav Hluchý, Giang Nguyen, Peter Krammer, Štefan Dlugolinský, Ondrej Habala, Viet Tran, Martin Šeleng
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
- Connectik – Semantic services for social network
(Connectik – Sémantické služby pre sociálnu sieť)
Authors: Martin Šeleng, Štefan Dlugolinský
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
The most important international scientific projects in year 2015:
- Emergency Responder Data Interoperability Network – project REDIRNET
(Systém pre dátovú interoperabilitu záchranárskych zložiek – projekt REDIRNET)
Authors: Zoltán Balogh, Emil Gatial, Ladislav Hluchý
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
- Study of e-beam resist parameters at 40 keV electron energy for application in the fabrication of nanostructures for sensor and photonic devices
(Výskum parametrov elektrónových rezistov pri energii elektrónov 40 keV aplikovaných pri príprave nanoštruktúr pre senzory a fotonické obvody)
Authors: Robert Andok, Vladislav Barák, Anna Benčurová, Anna Konečníková, Ivan Kostič, Pavol Nemec, Adrian Ritomský
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
The most important results in year
The most important results of the basic research in year 2014:
- New fast algorithms for the low delay MDCT computation in the MPEG-4 AAC Enhanced Low Delay audio coding standard
(Nové efektívne algoritmy pre výpočet MDCT s nízkym oneskorením v MPEG-4 AAC-ELD audio kódovacom štandarte)
Authors: Vladimír Britaňák
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
- Entrainment, Dominance and Alliance in Supreme Court Hearings
(Prispôsobovanie sa, dominancia, a vytváranie partnerstiev vo verejných pojednávaniach Najvyššieho súdu USA)
Authors: Štefan Beňuš, Agustín Gravano, Rivka Levitan, Sarah Ita Levitan, Laura Willson, Julia Hirschberg
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
- Patterning of photonic structures by the EBDW lithography
(Príprava nanofotonických štruktúr metódou priamej viacúrovňovej elektrónovej litografie)
Authors: kolektív Oddelenia elektrónovej litografie pod vedením I. Kostiča
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
The most important results of the application type in year 2014:
- Unified nanoscale gateway to HPC and Grid environments
(Jednotná brána pre nanotechnologické simulácie k vysokovýkonnému a Gridovému prostrediu)
Authors: Giang Nguyen, Ladislav Hluchý, Jaroslav Tóbik, Viera Šipková, Miroslav Dobrucký, Ján Astaloš, Viet Tran, Róbert Andok
Annotation and main outputs are in prezentation.
- Bio-inspired methods for multi-robots coordination
(Koordinácia skupiny mobilných robotov s využitím metód inšpirovaných prírodnými systémami)
Autori: Ivana Budinská, Štefan Havlík, Tomáš Kasanický, Eva Pajorová, Jolana Sebestyénová, Ján Zelenka
Annotation and main outputs are in prezentation.
- Tools for hydraulic simulations in high performance computing framework – CVR project
(Nástroje pre hydraulické simulácie vo vysokovýkonnom prostredí – projekt CVR – Centrum výskumu rizík zásobovania vodou veľkého mesta)
Authors: kolektív pod vedením Ladislava Hluchého
Annotation and main outputs are in prezentation.
The most important international scientific projects in year 2014:
- VENIS – Virtual Enterprises by Networked Interoperability Services
(VENIS – Virtual Enterprises by Networked Interoperability Services)
Authors: kolektív pod vedením Ladislava Hluchého
Annotation and main outputs are in prezentation.
The most important results in year
The most important results of the basic research in year 2013:
- Reliability increase of digital computational cores
(Zvýšenie spoľahlivosti digitálnych výpočtových jadier)
Authors: Marcel Baláž, Mária Fischerová, Jana Bečková, Peter Malík, Andrej Kincel, Michal Mojžiš
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
- Fast conversion algorithm for the Dolby Digital (Plus) audio coding standards
(Návrh nového efektívneho konverzného algoritmu pre Dolby Digital (Plus) AC-3 audio kódovacie štandarty)
Authors: Vladimír Britaňák
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
- Effects of network assortativity on results of community detection methods on real world networks
(Vplyv asortativity siete na výsledky metód detekcie komunít v grafových dátach reálneho sveta)
Authors: Marek Ciglan
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
The most important results of the application type in year 2013:
- Information technologies for population security
(Informačné technológie pre bezpečnosť obyvateľstva)
Authors: Ladislav Hluchý, Ivana Budinská, Ladislav Halada, Milan Rusko, Róber Andok, Karol
Dobrovodský a kol. ÚI SAV; Štefan Kozák a kol. FEI STU
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
- Entity Search and Web Queries Categorization
(Vyhľadávanie entít a kategorizácia dopytov vyhľadávania)
Authors: Ladislav Hluchý, Michal Laclavík, Marek Ciglan, Martin Šeleng, Štefan Dlugolinský
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
- Widespread deployment of the system for automatic transcription of dictation on courts of Slovak Republic
(Rozsiahle nasadenie systému na automatický prepis diktátu (APD) na súdoch v SR)
Authors: Milan Rusko, Marian Trnka, Sakhia Darjaa, Róbert Sabo, Marian Ritomský, Juraj Pálfy, Martin Dravecký
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
The most important international scientific projects in year 2013:
- EGI Federated Cloud Federation cloud model
(EGI Federated Cloud – Federačný cloudový model)
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
- Limitujúce faktory pri príprave štruktúr s nanometrovými rozmermi
(Limitujúce faktory pri príprave štruktúr s nanometrovými rozmermi)
Authors: Robert Andok, Vladislav Barák, Anna Benčurová, Anna Konečníková, Ivan Kostič, Pavol
Nemec, Adrian Ritomský
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
The most important results in year
The most important results of the basic research in year 2012:
- Relationship between phonetic forms and meaning functions of speech
(Vzťah medzi fonetickou formou a funkčným významom reči)
Authors: Štefan Beňuš
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
The most important results of the application type in year 2012:
- Information Processing and Search from the Web
(Spracovanie a vyhľadávanie informácií z Internetu)
Authors: Ladislav Hluchý, Martin Šeleng, Michal Laclavík, Štefan Dlugolinský, Marek Ciglan, Emil Gatial, Zoltán Balogh
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.
The most important international scientific projects in year 2012:
- Seamless Communication for Crisis Management
(Bezproblémová komunikácia pre krízový manažment)
Authors: Ladislav Hluchý, Zoltán Balogh, Emil Gatial, Branislav Šimo, Ondrej Habala
Annotation and main scientometric outputs are in prezentation.