

Mendeley is a reference manager that allows you to organize, read, share, annotate and citate your scientific studies. It’s an academic social network site with 3 million members – brings together scientists, academics and presents new trends and activities. It’s also a cloud database with open access.

How to start with Mendeley:

  1. Create acount on Mendeley sites
  2. Download Desktop version
  3. Install Web importer to your browser and MS Word plugin to your MS Word
  4. Start to use (Getting started with Mendeley pdf)

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Name and date system (hardvard system)
inline citation: (Petlák 2011)
bibliography: PETLÁK, Erich et al. 2011. Kapitoly zo súčasnej edukácie. Bratislava: Iris, 2011. 169 p. ISBN 978-80-89256-62-4.
– alphabetical (ENG)

Number system
inline citation:: [1]
bibliography: SCHRODER, C. Linux: kuchařka administrátora sítě. Brno: Computer Press, 2009. 596 s. ISBN 978-80-251-2407-9.
– in the order of use of the text (ENG)