Horizont 2020

Actual and recent projects:

Targeting Real Chemical Accuracy at the Exascale (TREX) Ako dosiahnuť reálnu chemickú presnosť v exascale ére
Program: Horizon 2020 Project leader: prof. Ing. Štich Ivan, DrSc. ID: H2020-952165 Duration: 1.9.2022 – 31.3.2024
Integrated Technological and Information Platformfor wildfire Management (SILVANUS) Integrovaná technologická a informačná platforma pre manažment lesných požiarov
Program: Horizon 2020 Project leader: Ing. Balogh Zoltán, PhD. ID: H2020-101037247 Duration: 1.10.2021 – 31.3.2025
Smart Wound monitoring Restorative Dressings Inteligentné diagnosticko-terapeutické náplasti
Program: Horizon 2020 Project leader: RNDr. Bardošová Mária, CSc. ID: H2020-873123 Duration: 1.1.2020 – 30.6.2025
Web page: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/873123
COnversational BRAins Konverzujúce mozgy
Program: Horizon 2020 Project leader: prof. Mgr. Beňuš Štefan, PhD. ID: 859588 Duration: 1.2.2020 – 31.1.2024
Web page: https://www.cobra-network.eu/the-project/

Finished projects:

Security of Air Transport Infrastructure of Europe (SATIE) Bezpečnosť infraštruktúry leteckej dopravy v Európe
Program: Horizon 2020 Project leader: Ing. Rusko Milan, PhD. ID: 832969 Duration: 1.5.2019 – 31.10.2021
EGI Advanced Computing for EOSC (EGI-ACE) EGI pokročilé počítanie pre EOSC
Program: Horizon 2020 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: H2020-101017567 Duration: 1.1.2021 – 30.6.2023
Web page: https://www.egi.eu/projects/egi-ace/
European Open Science Cloud – Expanding Capacities by building Capabilities (EOSC-Synergy) Európsky cloud pre otvorenú vedu – rozšírenie kapacít budovaním infraštruktúrneho potenciálu
Program: Horizon 2020 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: 857647 Duration: 1.9.2019 – 31.10.2022
Integrating and managing services for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC-hub) Integrovanie a manažment služieb pre európsky cloud pre otvorenú vedu
Program: Horizon 2020 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: 777536 Duration: 1.1.2018 – 31.3.2021
Designing and Enabling E-infrastructures for intensive Processing in a Hybrid DataCloud (DEEP-HybridDataCloud) Návrh a sprístupnenie e-infraštruktúr pre intenzívne spracovanie v hybridnom dátovom cloude
Program: Horizon 2020 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: 777435 Duration: 1.11.2017 – 30.4.2020
Web page: http://deep-hybrid-datacloud.eu/
PROviding Computing solutions for ExaScale challengeS (PROCESS) Poskytovanie výpočtových riešení pre výzvy v oblasti ExaScale
Program: Horizon 2020 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: 777533 Duration: 1.11.2017 – 30.10.2020
Web page: http://www.process-project.eu/
Engaging the EGI Community towards an Open Science Commons (EGI-Engage) Zapojenie EGI spoločenstva smerom k otvorenej vede
Program: Horizon 2020 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: 654142 Duration: 1.3.2015 – 31.8.2017
Web page: https://www.egi.eu/about/projects/

Actual and recent projects (annotations):

Integrated Technological and Information Platformfor wildfire Management (SILVANUS) Integrovaná technologická a informačná platforma pre manažment lesných požiarov
Annotation: SILVANUS envisages to deliver an environmentally sustainable and climate resilient forest management platform through innovative capabilities to prevent and combat against the ignition and spread of forest fires. The platform will cater to the demands of efficientresource utilisation and provide protection against threats of wildfires encountered globally. The project will establish synergies between (i) environmental; (ii) technology and (iii) social science experts for enhancing the ability of regional and nationalauthorities to monitor forest resources, evaluate biodiversity, generate more accurate fire risk indicators and promote safety regulations among citizens through awareness campaigns. The novelty of SILVANUS lies in the development and integration ofadvanced semantic technologies to systematically formalise the knowledge of forest administration and resource utilisation. Additionally, the platform will integrate a big-data processing framework capable of analysing heterogeneous data sourcesincluding earth observation resources, climate models and weather data, continuous on-board computation of multi-spectral video streams. Also, the project integrates a series of sensor and actuator technologies using innovative wireless communicationinfrastructure through the coordination of aerial vehicles and ground robots. The technological platform will be complemented with the integration of resilience models, and the results of environmental and ecological studies carried out for the assessment of fire risk indicators based on continuous surveys of forest regions. The surveys are designed to take into consideration the expertise and experience of frontline fire fighter organisations who collectively provide support for 47,504×104 sq. meters of forest area within Europe and across international communities. The project innovation will be validated through 11 pilot demonstrations across Europe and internationally using a two sprint cycle.
Smart Wound monitoring Restorative Dressings Inteligentné diagnosticko-terapeutické náplasti
Annotation: The project aims to combine the expertise and resources of four academic groups working at the frontiers of material research and two SMEs, one engaged in producing commercial medical materials as well as having own research capacities. The Consortium plans to develop wound dressings which an be rated as a radical innovation in the area of chronic wound care. Our efforts will concentrate on the design of a new product which will combine diagnostic and therapeutic actions and facilitate wound healing, while at the same time minimize treatment costs and optimize wound management thus positively influencing patient\’s wellbeing. A range of new composites derived from naturally occurring materials, such as chitin and halloysite combined with colloids will be studied. The ensuing hybrid materials will be processed using micro- and nano-manipulating tools, including roll-to-roll and electrospinning technologies. A thorough characterization program will be undertaken in order to understand the molecular-level interactions between the composite components. The determination of materials structure will allow a complete understanding of how their properties originate so that they can be tailored to precisely fit their application. The dressing will feature diagnostic sensors capable of measuring pH, humidity, temperature and associated bacterial activity as well as a highly absorbent layer designed to drain the wound and release therapeutic agents. Each member of the Consortium is well-resourced in terms of facilities, infrastructure and technology transfer support so as to provide an ideal environment for the research program, the training of younger researchers and the exploitation of findings. Leveraging from nationally funded grants and actively engaging in research exchanges while seeking to produce a radical innovation in the area of \’smart\’ dressings the project will address all three key drivers of the knowledge-based society, namely research, education an innovation.
COnversational BRAins Konverzujúce mozgy
Annotation: The EU-funded COBRA project will train the next generation of researchers to accurately characterise and model the linguistic and cognitive brain mechanisms that allow conversation to unfold in both human-human and human-machine interactions. The first challenge will be to determine how alignment and prediction may both rely on and contribute to setting up brain-to-brain coupling relationships. The second will relate to the development of computational models of alignment and prediction for more socially-acceptable text-to-speech synthesisers, human-machine dialogue systems, and social robots.

Finished projects (annotations):

Security of Air Transport Infrastructure of Europe (SATIE) Bezpečnosť infraštruktúry leteckej dopravy v Európe
Annotation: The twenty-first century experiments a digital revolution that simplifies flight and cross-border. Digitalizationcontributes to leverage information sharing, reduce exploitation costs and improve travel experience, but it alsoblurs the lines between virtual world and reality with serious security matters. In the meanwhile airports face a dailychallenge to ensure business continuity and passengers’ safety.SATIE adopts a holistic approach about threat prevention, detection, response and mitigation in the airports, whileguaranteeing the protection of critical systems, sensitive data and passengers. Critical assets are usually protectedagainst individual physical or cyber threats, but not against complex scenarios combining both categories of threats.In order to handle it, SATIE develops an interoperable toolkit which improves cyber-physical correlations, forensicsinvestigations and dynamic impact assessment at airports. Having a shared situational awareness, security practitionersand airport managers collaborate more efficiently to the crisis resolution. Emergency procedures can be triggeredsimultaneously through an alerting system in order to reschedule airside/landside operations, notify first responders,cybersecurity and maintenance teams towards a fast recovery.Innovative solutions will be integrated on a simulation platform in order to improve their interoperability and tovalidate their efficiency. Three demonstrations will be conducted at different corners of Europe (Croatia, Italy andGreece) in order to evaluate the solutions in operational conditions (TRL≥7). Results and best practises will bewidely disseminated to the scientific community, standardization bodies, security stakeholders and the aeronauticcommunity. Finally, SATIE paves the way to a new generation of Security Operation Centre that will be included in acomprehensive airport security policy.
EGI Advanced Computing for EOSC (EGI-ACE) EGI pokročilé počítanie pre EOSC
Annotation: The mission of the EGI-ACE project of EGI is to implement the Compute Platform of theEuropean Open Science Cloud, by delivering a secure federation of Cloud computeand storage facilities in collaboration with providers of the EGI Federation, commercialproviders, data providers and international research infrastructures of pan-Europeanrelevance.
European Open Science Cloud – Expanding Capacities by building Capabilities (EOSC-Synergy) Európsky cloud pre otvorenú vedu – rozšírenie kapacít budovaním infraštruktúrneho potenciálu
Annotation: EOSC-synergy extends the EOSC coordination to nine participating countries by harmonizing policies and federating relevant national research e-Infrastructures, scientific data and thematic services, bridging the gap between national initiatives and EOSC.The project introduces new capabilities by opening national thematic services to European access, thus expanding the EOSC offer in the Environment, Climate Change, Earth Observation and Life Sciences. This will be supported by an expansion of the capacity through the federation of compute, storage and data resources aligned with the EOSC and FAIR policies and practices.EOSC-synergy builds on the expertise of leading research organizations, infrastructure providers, NRENs and user communities from Spain, Portugal, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Netherlands, United Kingdom and France, all already committed to the EOSC vision and already involved in related activities at national and international level. Furthermore, we will expand EOSC’s global reach by integrating infrastructure and data providers beyond Europe, fostering international collaboration and open new resources to European researchers.The project will push the EOSC state-of-the-art in software and services life-cycle through a quality-driven approach to services integration that will promote the convergence and alignment towards EOSC standards and best practices.This will be complemented by the expansion of the EOSC training and education capabilities through the introduction of an on-line platform aimed at boosting the development of EOSC skills and competences.EOSC-synergy complements on-going activities in EOSC-hub and other related projects liaising national bodies and infrastructures with other upcoming governance, data and national coordination projects.
Integrating and managing services for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC-hub) Integrovanie a manažment služieb pre európsky cloud pre otvorenú vedu
Annotation: The EOSC-hub project creates the integration and management system of the future European Open Science Cloud that delivers a catalogue of services, software and data from the EGI Federation, EUDAT CDI, INDIGO-DataCloud and major research e-infrastructures. This integration and management system (the Hub) builds on mature processes, policies and tools from the leading European federated e-Infrastructures to cover the whole life-cycle of services, from planning to delivery. The Hub aggregates services from local, regional and national e-Infrastructures in Europe, Africa, Asia, Canada and South America. The Hub acts as a single contact point for researchers and innovators to discover, access, use and reuse a broad spectrum of resources for advanced data-driven research. Through the virtual access mechanism, more scientific communities and users have access to services supporting their scientific discovery and collaboration across disciplinary and geographical boundaries. The project also improves skills and knowledge among researchers and service operators by delivering specialised trainings and by establishing competence centres to co-create solutions with the users. In the area of engagement with the private sector, the project creates a Joint Digital Innovation Hub that stimulates an ecosystem of industry/SMEs, service providers and researchers to support business pilots, market take-up and commercial boost strategies. EOSC-hub builds on existing technology already at TRL 8 and addresses the need for interoperability by promoting the adoption of open standards and protocols. By mobilizing e-Infrastructures comprising more than 300 data centres worldwide and 18 pan-European infrastructures, this project is a ground-breaking milestone for the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud.
Designing and Enabling E-infrastructures for intensive Processing in a Hybrid DataCloud (DEEP-HybridDataCloud) Návrh a sprístupnenie e-infraštruktúr pre intenzívne spracovanie v hybridnom dátovom cloude
Annotation: The key concept proposed in the DEEP Hybrid DataCloud project is the need to support intensive computing techniques that require specialized HPC hardware, like GPUs or low latency interconnects, to explore very large datasets. A Hybrid Cloud approach enables the access to such resources that are not easily reachable by the researchers at the scale needed in the current EU e-infrastructure. We also propose to deploy under the common label of “DEEP as a Service” a set of building blocks that enable the easy development of applications requiring these techniques: deep learning using neural networks, parallel post-processing of very large data, and analysis of massive online data streams. Three pilot applications exploiting very large datasets in Biology, Physics and Network Security are proposed, and further pilots for dissemination into other areas like Medicine, Earth Observation, Astrophysics, and Citizen Science will be supported in a testbed with significant HPC resources, including latest generation GPUs, to evaluate the performance and scalability of the solutions. A DevOps approach will be implemented to provide the chain to ensure the quality of the software and services released, that will also be offered to the developers of research applications. The project will evolve to TRL8 existing services and technologies at TRL6+, including relevant contributions to the EOSC by the INDIGO-DataCloud H2020 project, that the project will enrich with new functionalities already available as prototypes, notably the support for GPUs and low latency interconnects. These services will be deployed in the project testbed, offered to the research communities linked to the project through pilot applications, and integrated under the EOSC framework, where they can be further scaled up in the future.
PROviding Computing solutions for ExaScale challengeS (PROCESS) Poskytovanie výpočtových riešení pre výzvy v oblasti ExaScale
Annotation: The PROCESS demonstrators will pave the way towards exascale data services that will accelerate innovation and maximise the benefits of these emerging data solutions. The main tangible outputs of PROCESS are five very large data service prototypes, implemented using a mature, modular, generalizable open source solution for user friendly exascale data. The services will be thoroughly validated in real-world settings, both in scientific research and in industry pilot deployments. To achieve these ambitious objectives, the project consortium brings together the key players in the new data-driven ecosystem: top-level HPC and big data centres, communities – such as Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project – with unique data challenges that the current solutions are unable to meet and experienced e-Infrastructure solution providers with an extensive track record of rapid application development. In addition to providing the service prototypes that can cope with very large data, PROCESS addresses the work programme goals by using the tools and services with heterogeneous use cases, including medical informatics, airline revenue management and open data for global disaster risk reduction. This diversity of user communities ensures that in addition to supporting communities that push the envelope, the solutions will also ease the learning curve for broadest possible range of user communities. In addition, the chosen open source strategy maximises the potential for uptake and reuse, together with mature software engineering practices that minimise the efforts needed to set up and maintain services based on the PROCESS software releases.
Engaging the EGI Community towards an Open Science Commons (EGI-Engage) Zapojenie EGI spoločenstva smerom k otvorenej vede
Annotation: EGI-Engage will accelerate advancements within the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) in strategy, policy, business and technical innovation, user engagement towards researchers within the long-tail of science, domain-specific research communities, Research Infrastructures (RIs) within the ESFRI roadmap, as well as SMEs and industry at large.Accelerated Computing in Cloud is being the IISAS role in this project, i.e. integrating GPGPU accelerators into the computing infrastructure EGI.