SRDA projects

Actual and recent projects:

Diagnosis of Alzheimer\’s disease from speech using artificial intelligence and social robotics
Diagnostika Alzheimerovej choroby z reči s použitím umelej inteligencie a sociálnej robotiky
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Rusko Milan, PhD.
ID: APVV-21-0373
Duration: 1.7.2022 – 30.6.2025
Environmental sensors based on 2D nanomaterials
Environmentálne senzory na báze 2D nanomateriálov
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: SK-BG-23-0017
Duration: 1.8.2024 – 31.7.2026
Experimental System for Wireless Stimulation and Monitoring of Selected Biological Properties and Cognitive Abilities of Drosophila melanogaster.
Experimentálny systém pre bezkontaktnú stimuláciu a monitorovanie vybraných biologických vlastností a kognitívnych schopností Drosophila melanogaster.
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD.
ID: APVV-23-0173
Duration: 1.9.2024 – 30.6.2027
Microelectromechanical sensors with radio frequency data transmission
Mikroelektromechanické senzory s rádiofrekvenčnýcm prenosom údajov
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Havlík Štefan, DrSc.
ID: APVV-20-0042
Duration: 1.7.2021 – 30.6.2025
Ontology representation for security of information systems
Ontologická reprezentácia pre bezpečnosť informačných systémov
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Budinská Ivana, PhD.
ID: APVV-19-0220
Duration: 1.7.2020 – 30.6.2024

Štúdium elektrónových vlastností 2D materiálov ultra-presnými metódami kvantového Monte Carla
Program: SRDA
Project leader: prof. Ing. Štich Ivan, DrSc.
ID: APVV-21-0272
Duration: 1.7.2022 – 30.6.2025
Artificial Intelligence for Personalised Oncology: from Single-Sample Assessment to Real-time Monitoring of Solid Tumours (AIPOLOGY)
Umelá inteligencia pre precíznu onkológiu: od analýzy jednotlivých vzoriek po real-time monitorovanie progresie nádorových ochorení.
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: APVV-21-0448
Duration: 1.7.2022 – 30.6.2025
Getting the right info on ticks
Získanie pravdivých informácií o kliešťoch
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Gatial Emil, PhD.
ID: APVV-22-0372
Duration: 1.7.2023 – 30.6.2027

Finished projects:

Rapid Operational Analytics for flood Response (ROAR-PP-H2020)
– (ROAR-PP-H2020)
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: PP-H2020-18-0017
Duration: 28.8.2018 – 31.12.2018
Experimentation platform for the successsful adoption of disruptive technologies in public services (XPERT-PP-H2020)
– (XPERT-PP-H2020)
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: PP-H2020-18-0012
Duration: 28.8.2018 – 31.12.2018
Adaptive Interoperability Framework for Private and Public Sector (AIIA)
Adaptívna platforma na podporu interoperability v súkromnom a verejnom sektore
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: APVV-0216-07
Duration: 1.9.2008 – 31.12.2010
Web page:
Algorithm of collective intelligence: Interdisciplinary study of swarming behaviour in bats
Algoritmus kolektívnej inteligencie: Interdisciplinárne štúdium swarmového správania netopierov.
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Zelenka Ján, PhD.
ID: APVV-17-0116
Duration: 1.8.2018 – 31.7.2022
Web page:
Analysis of environmental influences on power industry equipment by the methods of artificial intelligence and cloud computing (ARIEN)
Analýza vplyvu prostredia na zariadenia energetického priemyslu metódami umelej inteligencie a cloudového počítania
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Kvassay Marcel, PhD.
ID: APVV-20-0548
Duration: 1.7.2021 – 31.12.2023
Aplikačná platforma pre interaktívne gridové aplikácie
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: RPEU-0029-06
Duration: 15.2.2007 – 31.8.2008
Automatic subtitling of audiovisual content for people with hearing impairments
Automatické titulkovanie audiovizuálneho obsahu pre osoby so sluchovým postihnutím
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Rusko Milan, PhD.
ID: APVV – 15 – 0517
Duration: 1.7.2016 – 1.7.2018
Seamless Communication for Crisis Management
Bezproblémová komunikácia pre krízový manažment (SeCriCom-APVV)
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: DO7RP-0007-08
Duration: 1.9.2008 – 31.12.2009
Bioinspired multirobot coordination
Biologicky inšpirované metódy pre koordináciu skupinového pohybu mobilných robotov
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Budinská Ivana, PhD.
ID: APVV 0261-10
Duration: 1.5.2011 – 31.10.2014
Cloud Computing for Big Data Analytics (Clan)
Cloudové Počítanie Pre Analýzu Veľkých Dát
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: APVV-0809-11
Duration: 1.7.2012 – 31.12.2015
Web page:
Electron Spin PolaRImeTer based on thin ferromagnetic membranes
Elektrónový spinový polarimeter na báze tenkých feromagnetických membrán
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD.
ID: SK-FR-2013-0032
Duration: 1.1.2014 – 31.12.2015
Hybrid Spintronic Nanostructures Controlled by Spin-Polarized Current
Hybridné spintronické štruktúry riadené spinovopolarizovaným prúdom
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: APVV-0173-06
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 30.4.2010
Web page:
Intelligent Cloud Workflow Management for Dynamic Metric- Optimized Application Deployment (ICONTROL)
Inteligentné riadenie tokov práce v cloude pre dynamické a metrikami optimalizované nasadzovanie aplikácií
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: APVV-20-0571
Duration: 1.7.2021 – 31.12.2023
Cognitive traveling in digital space of the Web and digital libraries supported by personalized services and social networks (TraDiCe)
Kognitívne cestovanie po digitálnom svete webu a knižníc s podporou personalizovaných služieb a sociálnych sietí
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: APVV-0208-10
Duration: 1.5.2011 – 31.10.2014
MEMS structures based on load cell
MEMS štruktúry na báze poddajných mechanizmov
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Havlík Štefan, DrSc.
ID: APVV-14-0076
Duration: 1.7.2015 – 30.6.2019
Mictoelectronics in secondary education network
Mikroelektronika v sieti stredoškolského vzdelávania
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Gramatová Elena, CSc.
ID: LPP-0021-06
Duration: 1.10.2006 – 30.9.2009
Modelling and simulation of fires
Modelovanie a simulácia požiarov
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Halada Ladislav, CSc.
ID: APVT-51-037902
Duration: 1.1.2004 – 31.12.2006
Modelling, control and simulation of distributed production systems
Modelovanie, riadenie a simulácia distribuovaných výrobných systémov
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Dr.h.c Frankovič Baltazár, DrSc.
ID: APVT-51-011602
Duration: 1.10.2002 – 31.12.2006
Models of formation and spread of fire to increase safety of road tunnels
Modely vzniku a šírenia požiarov na zvýšenie bezpečnosti cestných tunelov
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Glasa Ján, CSc.
ID: APVV-15-0340
Duration: 1.7.2016 – 30.6.2019

Multiagentové technológie na modelovanie podnikov a optimalizáciu výkonu.
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Budinská Ivana, PhD.
ID: LPP-0231-06
Duration: 1.10.2006 – 31.12.2009
Nástroje pre prípravu, efektívne vykonávanie a vizualizáciu aplikácií a správu dát v prostredí Gridu
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: RPEU-0024-06
Duration: 15.2.2007 – 31.8.2008
Unconventional procedures for separation and molekular characterization of components of complex polymer systems
Nekonvenčné postupy separácie a molekulovej charakterizácie zložiek komplexných polymérových systémov
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Labátová Stanislava, CSc.
ID: APVV-0592-07
Duration: 1.9.2008 – 31.12.2010
Optimization of recycling production lines by application of nonconventional control methods. (OptiMAT)
Optimalizácia recyklačných výrobných liniek aplikovaním nekonvenčných metód riadenia
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Balogh Zoltán, PhD.
ID: VMSP-016-09
Duration: 1.9.2009 – 31.8.2011
COMMunity-based Interoperability Utility for SMEs
Podpora Interoperability pre MSP založená na ISU (Commius-APVV)
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: DO7RP-0005-08
Duration: 1.2.2008 – 31.12.2009
Advanced Data Mining and Integration Research for Europe
Pokročilé dolovanie a integrácia dát pre Európu (ADMIRE-APVV)
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: DO7RP-0006-08
Duration: 1.3.2008 – 31.12.2009
Advanced MEMS chemical sensors for extreme conditions
Pokročilé MEMS chemické senzory pre extrémne podmienky
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: APVV-0655-07
Duration: 1.6.2008 – 31.12.2010
Web page:
Advanced piezoelectric MEMS pressure sensors
Pokročilé piezoelektrické MEMS senzory tlaku
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Matay Ladislav, PhD.
ID: APVV-0450-10
Duration: 1.5.2011 – 31.10.2014
Personal motor car fires, fires computer simulation and their experimental verification
Požiare osobných motorových vozidiel, počítačová simulácia požiarov a ich experimentálne overenie
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Halada Ladislav, CSc.
ID: APVV-0532-07
Duration: 1.9.2008 – 31.12.2010
Data Mining Meteo (DMM)
Predpovedné a detekčné metódy význačných a nebezpečných javov založené na dolovaní meteorologických dát
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: VMSP-P-0048-09
Duration: 1.9.2009 – 31.8.2011
Preparation of \’active\’ tips for probe microscopy by MOCVD
Príprava \’aktívnych\’ hrotov sondovej mikroskopie metódou MOCVD
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: APVV-51-045705
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 31.10.2009
Web page:
Speech Technologies for Modern Telecommunication and Information Systems and Services
Rečové technológie pre moderné telekomunikačné a informačné systémy a služby
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Rusko Milan, PhD.
ID: APVV-0369-07
Duration: 1.9.2008 – 31.12.2010
Web page:
Semantic composition of Web and Grid Services (SEMCO-WS)
Sémantická kompozícia webových a gridových služieb
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: APVV-0391-06
Duration: 1.2.2007 – 31.12.2009
Broadband MEMS detector of terahertz radiation
Širokopásmový MEMS detektor terahertzového žiarenia
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Matay Ladislav, PhD.
ID: APVV-14-0613
Duration: 1.7.2015 – 30.6.2018
Urgent Computing for Exascale Data (U-COMP)
Urgentné počítanie pre Exascale dáta
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: APVV-17-0619
Duration: 1.8.2018 – 31.12.2020
Virtual and constructive modelling, training and simulaion of crowd behaviour in urban environment (Riot)
Virtuálne a konštruktívne modelovanie, tréning a simulácia správania davu v mestskom prostredí
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: APVV-0233-10
Duration: 1.5.2011 – 31.10.2014
Virtual digital design laboratory for high schools
Virtuálne laboratórium digitálneho návrhu pre stredné školy
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Malík Peter, PhD.
ID: LPP-0149-09
Duration: 1.9.2009 – 31.8.2012
Výskum a vývoj znalostného systému na podporu riadenia toku práce v organizáciách s administratívnymi typmi procesov
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: APVT-51-024604
Duration: 1.2.2005 – 31.12.2007

Actual and recent projects (annotations):

Environmental sensors based on 2D nanomaterials
Environmentálne senzory na báze 2D nanomateriálov
Annotation: The objective of this project proposal is the research of new semiconducting 2D materials for application in environmental sensors. 2-dimensional (2D) materials have been at the forefront of materials research in recent years due to their unic electrical and optical properties and interesting mechanical properties deriving from their atomically thin dimensions. One of promising applications of 2D materials are chemical, environmental, and biological sensor devices based on such 2D materials. In this project, we will focus on the development of environmental sensors based on 2D materials with concentration on gas sensors.

Experimental System for Wireless Stimulation and Monitoring of Selected Biological Properties and Cognitive Abilities of Drosophila melanogaster.
Experimentálny systém pre bezkontaktnú stimuláciu a monitorovanie vybraných biologických vlastností a kognitívnych schopností Drosophila melanogaster.
Annotation: The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster serves as one of the most versatile models for studying human diseases, including neurodegenerative or learning disorders. Thanks to the unique genetic tools available exclusively in the fly model, Drosophila considerably contributed to discoveries of genetic regulations behind processes such as learning and behavior. Nevertheless, progress in this research area is limited by available technologies for the stimulation and tracking fruit flies. This project aims to develop novel equipment for wireless stimulation and monitoring of insect behavior. A wireless micro-heater will be installed onto the Drosophila’s body, designed and developed within this project, together with the microsensor of position / force. The fly will be stimulated individually under certain circumstances by locally controlled heat induced in the micro-heater realized by connecting a nanometric diamond film (as a supporting material bilogically compatible with the examined tiny insects, and at the same time a material with excellent thermal conductivity) with a high density micro coil consisting of a closed LC resonant circuit with a high-k dielectric material (ZrO2, SrTiO3, HfO2) used for the micro-capacitor. By exerting electromagnetic waves of certain resonant frequency related to the size of the coil, electromagnetic induction will occur and the device will heat up stimulating the insect. The project aims to optimize and utilize this technology for the study of olfactory and social learning. The technology will nonetheless have a broad impact in other areas of Drosophila neuroscience, ethology and physiology. The system can be, for example, used also for wireless stimulation of flies in various types of learning experiments, for tracking fly behavior in complex environments, or for studies of behavioral roles of diverse genes and environmental factors. The suggested technology will have broad implications in both primary research and biomedicine.

Microelectromechanical sensors with radio frequency data transmission
Mikroelektromechanické senzory s rádiofrekvenčnýcm prenosom údajov
Annotation: The project elaborates the method proposed by the authors, especially of mechanical quantities with wirelesssignal / energy transmission via electromagnetic field, solution of sensors as well as (micro) electro-mechanisms(MEMS). The task is a logical continuation of the results achieved within the successful solution of the previousproject APVV 14-0076, where the principle of scanning and conception of the sensor solution according to theoriginal design (utility model 8653, published patent applications PP 121-2018) was designed and verified. Thepresented project represents further theoretical and methodological-experimental processing in order to meetspecific requirements for the solution of specific sensors including compliant – deformation members and electronicevaluation circuits as well as other electro-mechanisms with respect to selected applications. Part of the solution isto create tools for modeling, simulation and optimization of properties using available MEMS technologies. Theproject aims to follow the latest global trend in MEMS solutions.

Ontology representation for security of information systems
Ontologická reprezentácia pre bezpečnosť informačných systémov
Annotation: According to the action plan of the government of the Slovak Republic, one of the priorities is to “support research in cyber security”. This project proposal responds to the action plan\’s requirements by setting research objectives and goals in the field of cybersecurity. The project proposal focuses on new approaches in sharing knowledge about security incidents and indicators. There are several initiatives that seek to formalize and standardize security incidents descriptions. However, it is neither realistic nor desirable to assume that there will be one common standard for describing security incidents. The solution can be offered by creating a core ontology, which semantically integrates various approaches to describing threats and attacks, thus enabling the integration of several standards and knowledge repositories. The tools for representation and processing of ontologies will be used for this purpose. It will be a combination of procedures for collecting data from network communication, creating the necessary ontologies eg. semiautomatic extraction of ontologies from text in natural language – ontology learning, use of selected advanced methods of ontological knowledge representation, e.g. contextualized representation or methodology of ontological metamodeling. A significant shift will be that the ontology of the model can be represented by a graph. The results can be expected to contribute to more efficient sharing, representation, storage, and use of cybersecurity knowledge.

Artificial Intelligence for Personalised Oncology: from Single-Sample Assessment to Real-time Monitoring of Solid Tumours (AIPOLOGY)
Umelá inteligencia pre precíznu onkológiu: od analýzy jednotlivých vzoriek po real-time monitorovanie progresie nádorových ochorení.
Annotation: The methodologies that oncologists use to decide on a patient\’s treatment are ever changing. It seems to us that 21st century cancer medicine is much about analysing big data and using mathematical modelling to extract information that can help predict how tumours will evolve and react to potential therapies. The sad fact is, however, that despite ever increasing knowledge on cancer we still lack the proper tools to translate this knowledge to an impactful “bedside” practice that would overcome the limitation from cancer heterogeneity and allow real-time monitoring of disease progression. Here, we propose the AIpology project that aims at the development of novel artificial intelligence strategies to identify molecular traits (individual mutations, mutation signatures and genomic scars) in heterogeneous cancer genomes for which therapeutic targets exist. Based on target clonal mapping and ordering, the system will then outline possible courses of treatment and will intelligently adapt as more data from real time monitoring approaches (such as liquid biopsy) will become available. The system will help us to track each target at the finer time scale than it is possible today and predict future (i.e how the tumour will evolve after being treated with a specific drug) and past (i.e. how long the tumour existed prior to detection) cancer evolutionary trajectories from existing data. Finally, we will understand better why certain cancers become (chemo)therapy-resistant and derive clinically relevant recommendations when they do.

Getting the right info on ticks
Získanie pravdivých informácií o kliešťoch
Annotation: Despite the fact that the castor bean tick, Ixodes ricinus has been studied for a century, many questions regardingits ecology remains unanswered. Several aspects of its basic biology and phenology are still unexplored. Globalchanges, including climate shifts, transformation of the landscape and urbanization, contribute to the switch notonly in tick distribution, but also in bionomics and seasonal activity of ticks. The ornate dog tick, Dermacentorreticulatus adapts quickly to changing conditions and its range is expanding. There is the need for detaileddescription of areas where these ticks are found (natural as well as urban habitats), since their ranges havechanged during the last decades. The main risk factor for tick -exposed people in a given area is the density ofinfected questing ticks. In the proposed project, questing activity of ticks will be monitored using the tick -plotmethodology „tick gardens“ in field plots as well as flagging the vegetation for questing ticks. Using the tick-plotmethodology, we will also follow the tick life cycle and the seasonality of various developmental events (especiallymoulting) as well as the longevity of different life stages. Since these two species of ticks are consideredepidemiologically the most important, we will also identify the prevalence and occurrence of both pathogen infectedquesting ticks and infected ticks feeding on animals. Furthermore, with changing conditions, the invasion andoccurrence of „non-native“ species of ticks in Slovakia will be closely monitored since these emerging tick speciescan introduce new pathogens to our area. The information obtained by the research team during the project as wellas during previous studies will be transferred and used in the development of a mobile application for tickidentification and the creation of a website that will bring benefits to the general public and professionals tounderstand the risk of infection with the tick-borne pathogens.

Finished projects (annotations):

Adaptive Interoperability Framework for Private and Public Sector (AIIA)
Adaptívna platforma na podporu interoperability v súkromnom a verejnom sektore
Annotation: Existing interoperability solutions are suitable only for large enterprises and lack of cheap, easy to integrate and easy to customize solutions. We believe such solution need to be build above existing ICT infrastructure (email, web) available in most of enterprises and organizations. We propose to build interoperability solution on top of email communication. Email communication is used in most of enterprises on daily bases to acomplish interoperability tasks manualy. We believe that such approach for interoperability can have significant impact by not forcing users to change working tool (they can stay with email), by delivering interoperability solution above existing ICT and by providing tool which can be easily customize for concrete application.AIIA can be used also in eGovernment, by solving interoperability problem among different governmental offices. This is especially true in countries as Slovakia, where public bodies have basic ICT infrastructure as email and web but lack of interoperability solutions and thus people need to act as interoperability layer by bringing stamped papers from one office to another.

Algorithm of collective intelligence: Interdisciplinary study of swarming behaviour in bats
Algoritmus kolektívnej inteligencie: Interdisciplinárne štúdium swarmového správania netopierov.
Annotation: Various algorithms of artificial intelligence inspired by real biological mechanisms are successfully applied in military and civil sector. In this proposed project, cooperative research of four scientific institutions having different basis, methodology and the object of study (biology, computer science and technology) focuses on interdisciplinary study of social self-organizational behaviour of tree-dwelling bats with the aim to develop new meta-heuristic method capable of space exploration. The project has a great potential to bring new scientific knowledge about mechanisms of collective intelligence in social structures of biological organisms, which will contribute to the field of theoretical biology, behavioural nad evolutionary ecology. Additionally, it will contribute to the field of artificial intelligence as it focuses on swarming behaviour of individuals/agents with higher nervous activity and well developed cognitive skills. The model organisms (bats) on which this project is focused are using advanced biological mechanism capable of state space exploration and at the same time preventing group disintegration. This specific characteristic has a great potential for development of new biologically inspired algorithms and methods applicable e.g. in movement coordination of unmanned aerial vehicles. Distinguished contribution of the project is RD of ultra-light sensors applicable not only in biological research. The project originality is in interconnection of different research areas. Therefore it is important to review it interdisciplinary.

Analysis of environmental influences on power industry equipment by the methods of artificial intelligence and cloud computing (ARIEN)
Analýza vplyvu prostredia na zariadenia energetického priemyslu metódami umelej inteligencie a cloudového počítania
Annotation: The main goal of project ARIEN is to develop verify a new innovative method for the estimation of local pollutiondeposition for power industry needs based on the data collected by the SHMU Institute. It will rely on advancedtechniques of artificial intelligence, cloud computing and data integration and was not yet applied in Slovak powerindustry. It will help to prevent outages on 110 kV and 400 kV overhead lines caused by flashovers. The resultsobtained by this method will help to optimize the design of insulators and improve the quality of maintenance duringoperation. Artificial intelligence is the logical choice, because so far we have not been able, due to their complexity,to describe the processes of pollution dispersion, deposition and chemical interaction adequately by standardphysical and chemical models.Techniques of artificial intelligence and neural networks can find new relationships between the input and theoutput data. Neural networks, however, require large training sets. Therefore, the second project goal is to developa method for obtaining a sufficiently large set of synthetic data for their training and testing.The third project goal is to research develop a new method for measuring the insulator pollution by the analysisof their acoustic emissions captured by contactless detectors placed in their vicinity. Here we rely on theexperience of the project partner VUJE with measurement systems installed on overhead lines and able to workduring their normal operation.These goals reflect current priorities of European research as well as pressing needs of Slovak power industry: in2015, the standard STN 33 0405 regulating the assessment of high-voltage insulator pollution deposition and theirrequired cleaning frequency, was withdrawn. The new methodology will help replace the tedious demandingprocess mandated by this standard by a new one relying on readily available information and the latest computingtechniques.

Bioinspired multirobot coordination
Biologicky inšpirované metódy pre koordináciu skupinového pohybu mobilných robotov
Annotation: The project aims a research in the area of bio-inspired methods for coordinated control of motion in a group of mobile robots with application in real worls environment (e.g. deminning). The research will increase marketing potencial of robotic industry in Slovakia. The research contributes to the theory of mobile robotics, complex systems, control theory and cognitive systems theory.

Electron Spin PolaRImeTer based on thin ferromagnetic membranes
Elektrónový spinový polarimeter na báze tenkých feromagnetických membrán
Annotation: The aim of the presented project is the development of a new type of electron spin polarimeterbased on spin-filtering effects in ferromagnetic thin films. Such a detector may significantlycontribute to instrumental innovations, such as the development of spin resolved electronspectroscopy and microscopy techniques.The work is concentrated on the elaboration on optimised structures exhibiting spin-filtering.These structures will combine two types of magnetic membranes of a few nanometre thicknessbased on:- transition metals (Fe, Co) coated with Au- transition metal oxides (Fe3O4).Specific technological processes will be developed for the fabrication of the membranessupported on an appropriate substrate. The structure properties will be characterized and testedusing spin-polarized electron spectroscopy.The objectives of this project are: joint publications, active participation at conferences in Franceand Slovakia, organizing joint scientific activities, engaging young researchers on both sides,preparation of joint international projects, mutual use of special laboratory equipment andresearch materials collection in the field of nanotechnology (spintronics, spin polarimetry, thinfilm technology, e-beam lithography) for educational and popularization purposes.The present proposal aims renewing already existing, but for the moment being somehowinterrupted, contacts with SAV partner.

Hybrid Spintronic Nanostructures Controlled by Spin-Polarized Current
Hybridné spintronické štruktúry riadené spinovopolarizovaným prúdom
Annotation: Project goal: Spintronic GMR and TMR nanopillars (lateral size (150nm) for current induced magnetization switching (CIMS) studies will be prepared and analyzed. GMR nanopillars will be prepared by UHV deposition and nanoparticles lift off lithography and electron beam lithography (EBL). Novel TMR nanopillars with embedded magnetic nanoparticles will be prepared by UHV evaporation, LB nanoparticles deposition and EBL. Magnetic configurations of nanopillars will be studied by scanning MOKE microscope. We will study correlation between nanopillar structure, interface roughness (vertical and lateral correlations) and Neel ferromagnetic coupling with magnetic and CIMS behavior with the aim to lower the switching current. Magnetization behaviour in situ by its spin polarized current switching will be analyzed by simultaneous simultaneous the R (dynamic) vs. current and Kerr rotation vs. H experiments.

Intelligent Cloud Workflow Management for Dynamic Metric- Optimized Application Deployment (ICONTROL)
Inteligentné riadenie tokov práce v cloude pre dynamické a metrikami optimalizované nasadzovanie aplikácií
Annotation: ICONTROL is a platform for dynamic and intelligent function-based workflow application deployment and run-timeredeployment in hybrid edge cloud computing environments.ICONTROL will automatically construct and deploy complex workflow-based cloud applications in an end-to-endmanner. ICONTROL will use semantic information on available cloud-based application functionalities toautomatically generate complex workflows of functions, which will be executed across edge and cloud resources. Itwill help users to automate function selection, configuration and deployment, dealing with run-time failure orperformance issues through automated redeployment. To remove obstacles for non-cloud expert users to usecomplex function-based workflow applications, ICONTROL will support a separation of tasks among 3 categories ofspecialists. Cloud application developers will develop application and backend functions, semantically annotate anddescribe them. AI-powering algorithms will assist domain application experts to create application workflows usingfunctionalities provided by the cloud application developers, with semi-automated workflow construction techniquesby leveraging semantic descriptions. Application users will be able to usetheir application workflows to instantiate, deploy and run their applications using the automation capabilities of theproposed system in complex hybrid edge and cloud environments, not burdened by complexities related toworkflows selection, application deployment, fault resolution, resource elasticity provision, to name just a few.ICONTROL will significantly improve composability and adaptability of workflow-based applications spanning theentire edge-cloud continuum (from remote wireless IoT sensors, through personal devices, to large computingcenters), by creating a semantically-enriched, platform-agnostic, and secured FaaS workflow development andexecution platform, with automatic infrastructure resource management and provisioning.

MEMS structures based on load cell
MEMS štruktúry na báze poddajných mechanizmov
Annotation: The project is focused on the analysis, synthesis and design of electromechanical sensors based on MEMS with wireless transmission of information about the sensed phenomena. Solution of the project will focus on exploring appropriate topology structures especially in relation to the proposal required parameters MEMS sensors. Comprehensive proposal includes a parallel proposal to both the mechanical and electrical parts of the sensor. When mechanical design emphasis will be placed on analysis modeling and linearisation characteristics of MEMS structures. The electric field of the settlement project focuses on analyzing the electromagnetic deja suitable for the transmission of information and supplement sensor electrical elements as to avoid compromising the required mechanical properties. The electric field due consideration to the topology of MEMS mechanical structures with its direct use for applying electrical elements.

Mictoelectronics in secondary education network
Mikroelektronika v sieti stredoškolského vzdelávania
Annotation: The project is focused on development of high-school network of mini-centres dealing with design of digital circuits, with methodical coordination by the Slovak academy of sciences research team. The pilot mini-centres, established at four selected high-schools, will have licences of professional computer aided design tools for integrated circuits FPGA (field programmable gate array). By help of easy-to-understand hands-on teaching materials, examples for beginners and advanced, self-work tasks with help of trained teachers and research team, the students will learn about digital design fundamentals in current technologies. The knowledge and skill obtained will enhance the interest of young people in microelectronics and in the use of new technologies in research and practice. In the end of the project, the experience gained by the teachers and researchers, as well as the results of the students´ work in the mini-centres will be provided to other high-schools and presented to public. The verified teaching materials and procedures will be processed as methodical manual.

Models of formation and spread of fire to increase safety of road tunnels
Modely vzniku a šírenia požiarov na zvýšenie bezpečnosti cestných tunelov
Annotation: The project is a significant contribution to increase of safety of road tunnels using computer simulation of firespread based on modelling of complex processes related to fire by CFD technology. The aim of the project is todevelop a series of computer simulations of fire scenarios suggested by customer organization in two roadtunnels realized on high-performance computational infrastructure at Slovak Academy of Sciences. Research ofproper method of parallelisation of simulation calculation with the aim to achieve substantial speedup ofcalculation without negative effect on the calculation accuracy, research on the impact of ventilation onstratification of smoke in tunnel tube and realization of experiments in two road tunnels in situ are the main partsof the project. Within the project, Tunnel Traffic and Operation Simulator (SRT) – a unique facility at University ofZilina will be extended by visualizations of smoke stratification in virtual tunnel tube in SRT in the case of firedeveloped by computer simulation on the basis of CFD models. The great benefit of this project will be alsoevidence of tunnel incidents and risk analysis according to achieved data. Implementation of the project willinterconnect the knowledge, experience and researches of research teams of participating partners equippedwith unique modern infrastructures obtained by ERDF EU with the aim to create innovative solutions to enhancethe tunnel safety.

Unconventional procedures for separation and molekular characterization of components of complex polymer systems
Nekonvenčné postupy separácie a molekulovej charakterizácie zložiek komplexných polymérových systémov
Annotation: Working up, testing, and application of unconventional methods of separation of complex multicomponent polymer systems with emphasis on minor (1%)components. The starting basis are the methods proposed before by this group namely liquid chromatography under limiting conditions of enthalpic interactions (LC LC) and full retention/elution (FRE). Both LC LC and FRE will be optimized and matually combined; if necessary also with the gel permeation chromatography (size exclusion chromatography) with the aim of comprehensive two-dimensional separation and molecular characterization of sample components in terms of their molar masses, chemical structure and possibly also physical architecture – both average values and distributions. Experimental results will be mathematically processed in order to obtain improved description and generalized elucidation of the retention mechanisms. Among the most important issues of the project are separation and following molecular characterization of parent homopolymers in block- and graft- copolymers, fractionations of statistical copolymers and discrimination of minor components in polymer blends. Presently known procedures only exemptionally allow such kind of analyses.

Advanced MEMS chemical sensors for extreme conditions
Pokročilé MEMS chemické senzory pre extrémne podmienky
Annotation: Much efforts of the project research team will be made to introduce the new designed MEMS sensoric device in all its complexity and multidisciplinary basis. Therefore, besides the modelling and fabrication methods developed, much attention will be devoted to new methodology of sensing and detection and new non-conventional methods to analyze the basic thermo-mechanical properties of the MEMS device in both stationary dynamic process conditions.

Advanced piezoelectric MEMS pressure sensors
Pokročilé piezoelektrické MEMS senzory tlaku
Annotation: The project proposal is devoted to design, processing technology and characterization of advanced MEMS pressure sensors based on high temperature stable piezoelectric material system AlGaN/GaN. The design concept of piezoelectric MEMS sensors is original because it integrates two different physical mechanisms of sensing and detction / mechanism based on HEMT (High Electron Mobility Transistor) and SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave). Beside the multifunction sensing properties, the designed MEMS sensors fulfil all criterions for operations of high temperature and highly corrosive environment. Moreover, they are fully compatible with monolithically integrated control electronics based on AlGaN/GaN HEMT device.

Personal motor car fires, fires computer simulation and their experimental verification
Požiare osobných motorových vozidiel, počítačová simulácia požiarov a ich experimentálne overenie
Annotation: Burning of motor cars in open, partly open or closed spaces is one of the serious problems, which has not been solved satisfactorily yet. The importance and hazard of this problem increases with the number of produced and sold motor cars. Concentration of motor cars in housing estates or near business and shopping centres and stadiums is a great potential risk of chain car fires. The aim of the project is examination of the course and expansion of individual phases of burning and measurement necessary input data for computer simulation system to model the behavior of specific types of car fires. This makes it possible to check the tactics of fire-fighting and to test the optimal layout of effective fire bariers, ventilation systems in buildings, tunnels, garages, as well as location of escape areas in buildings, etc.

Speech Technologies for Modern Telecommunication and Information Systems and Services
Rečové technológie pre moderné telekomunikačné a informačné systémy a služby
Annotation: The project is focused on the speech technologies for modern voice-operated telecommunication and information systems with potencional influence in other areas of speech technologies, such as automatic speech transcription, search in the speech databases, automatic translation, data mining, semantic web etc. The goals of the project are strictly focused on the Slovak language.

Broadband MEMS detector of terahertz radiation
Širokopásmový MEMS detektor terahertzového žiarenia
Annotation: The project is aimed on research and development of new types of broadband detectors for terahertz frequency range. This new type of detector is designed in a concept of micro-electro-mechanical system and uses the bolometric sensing principle. The design construction of the detector consists of a microbolometric sensing device coupled to a broadband antenna. Thermal conversion of the incident THz radiation takes place on a thinpolyimide membrane which enables (a) to achieve high thermal conversion efficiency and (b) to design detectors with balanced amplitude characteristics even at high frequency range. The proposed MEMS detector concept will be optimized by a sophisticated process of modeling and simulation in direct mutual iteration withexperimental analysis of functionality and detection capability. The completion of the project will be given by the developed state-of-the-art methodology of characterization, broadband THz detection and simulation of the MEMS detector device applicable in the research and education.

Urgent Computing for Exascale Data (U-COMP)
Urgentné počítanie pre Exascale dáta
Annotation: Current challenges of the European research area in computer science place emphasis on integration of research infrastructures, move to e-services, open access to data and reusability of services, data and research results. Furthermore, European infrastructures now move toward processing of Big Data and even exascale data, using novel modes of HPC such as urgent computing. The ability to use exascale systems to provide urgent decision making support critically depends on the ability of the supercomputing centers to provide urgent computing as a new use mode. We strongly believe that urgent computing must be a service provided by the future European computing centers. This will have the dual benefits of immediate delivery of societal benefits of the best performing (at any given time) systems, combined with their ability to optimize the design of the future operational centers with urgent computing capability. These challenges are best tackled by merging web services as the premier e-service paradigm, semantic web technologies for ease of data discovery and cloud computing as a flexible deployment platform. We would like to help to further our understanding of the e-service composition and orchestration challenges when done on a massive scale, and to allow the operators and users of e-services to truly enter the era of Cloud Computing by providing methodology, architecture, tools and standards which will make it easier, safer, and also less expensive to adopt true Cloud Computing and distributed service-oriented applications en masse. Thus we have chosen four research domains which we want to target in this proposal:• composition and orchestration of e-service processes with support of urgent computing;• use of semantic web technologies in describing the services and domain components of the processes;• interoperability of cloud environments and HPC resources and their compatibility with urgent computing;• scalable and distributed aggregation and analysis of data

Virtual digital design laboratory for high schools
Virtuálne laboratórium digitálneho návrhu pre stredné školy
Annotation: The project goal is to create a virtual laboratory for the digital circuits design for students of electrical engineering and applied informatics secondary schools. The project follow up results on the project MikroN (LPP-0021-06). The virtual laboratory will provide access to proffesional design software FPGA, new special interactive education tools and design of digital systems textbooks. The project will also provide courses of design software usage with methodical handbooks for teachers and students, new thesis required for the school leaving examination, competitions and expert practice of students in the research institution, and special lessons from selected topics of electrical engineering, electrical technology and computer systems presented by researcher of the II SAS at secondary schools. The virtual laboratory will be distributed at seven workplaces and will use a new electronic portal developed as the result of mutual cooperation.