Parallel and distributed information processing

Leader: Assoc. Prof. Ing. L. Hluchý, CSc.
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Parallel and Distributed Information Computing

  • Infrastructures: cluster, Grid, Cloud and Hadoop
  • High-Performance and Distributed Computing
  • Design, development, porting and support for HPC and distributed applications

Information and Knowledge-oriented Technologies

  • Big Data processing, ontologies, semantic processing, reasoning, knowledge discovery
  • Mobile and communication technologies, multi-agent systems
  • Data mining, machine learning, natural language processing, deep learning

Staff of the department of Parallel and distributed computing
Leader: Assoc. Prof. Ing. L. Hluchý, CSc.
Former staff:
RNDr. Viera Šipková (till 30.11.2019)
Ing. Peter Kurdel (till 13.10.2019)
Prof. Igor Mokriš, CSc. (till 2016)
Ing. Ján Mojžiš (till 2016)
Doc. RNDr. Michal Laclavík, PhD. (till 30.4.2015)
Ing. Jana Zvada Kožuchová (till 2013)
Ing. Peter Slížik (till 4.2.2014)
Ing. Nguyen Binh Minh, PhD. (till 31.8.2013)
Ing. Marián Babík, PhD. (till 30.4.2013)
Ing. Branislav Šimo (till 30.11.2011)
Ing. Bartolomej Barra (till 2008)
Ing. Tomáš Darányi (till 2006)
Ing. Martin Mališka (till 2006)
Ing. Adrián Tóth (till 2006)