FP projects

Actual and recent projects:

Finished projects:

Seamless Communication for Crisis Management (SeCriCom) Bezproblémová komunikácia pre krízový manažment
Program: FP7 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: FP7-218123 Duration: 1.9.2008 – 30.4.2012
Web page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secricom
Data Fusion for Flood Analysis and Decision Support (ANFAS) Datová fúzia pre analýzu povodní a podporu rozhodovania
Program: FP5 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: IST-1999-11676 Duration: 1.1.2000 – 28.2.2003
Web page: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/53064/factsheet/en
EGI: Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe (EGI-InSPIRE) EGI: Integrovaná udržateľná pan-európska infraštruktúra pre vedu v Európe
Program: FP7 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: FP7-261323 Duration: 1.5.2010 – 31.12.2014
Web page: www.egi.eu
Global ATM security management (GAMMA) Globálny bezpečnostný manažment riadenia letovej prevádzky
Program: FP7 Project leader: Ing. Rusko Milan, PhD. ID: FP7-SEC-2012-1 Duration: 1.9.2013 – 30.11.2017
Interactive European Grid (int.eu.grid) Interaktívny Európsky Grid
Program: FP6 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: FP6-31857 Duration: 1.5.2006 – 30.4.2008
Web page: grid.ifca.inican.es/int.eu.grid
Mediterranean Grid of Multi-Risk Data and Models (MEDIGRID) Juhoeurópsky Grid multi-rizikových údajov a modelov
Program: FP6 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: 4044 Duration: 1.11.2004 – 31.10.2006
Correlation of structure and magnetism in novel nanoscale magnetic particles Korelácia štruktúry a magnetických vlastností nových magnetických nano častíc
Program: FP5 Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan ID: 150 Duration: 1.3.2000 – 31.7.2004
Web page: http://agfarle.uni-duisburg.de/RTN
Parallel Processing Tools: Integration and Result Dissemination (KIT) Nástroje pre paralené spracovanie informácií: Integrácia a ďalšie rozšírenie výsledkov
Program: CIP-ICT Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: 977100-PPTIRD Duration: 17.7.1998 – 16.7.1999
Web page: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/977100
High Performance Computing Tools for Industry, EU Copernicus (HPCTI) Nástroje pre vysokovýkonné počítanie v priemysle, EU Copernicus
Program: CIP-ICT Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: CP-93-5383 Duration: 1.10.1994 – 30.9.1996
Web page: http://ups.savba.sk/parcom/sephp/sephp.html
A Platform for Organisationally Mobile Public Employees (Pellucid) Platforma pre zamestnancov verejnej správy migrujúcich medzi organizáciami
Program: FP5 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: IST-2001-34519 Duration: 1.3.2002 – 31.12.2004
Web page: http://agents.ui.sav.sk/index.php?n=Main.Projects https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/61524/factsheet/en
COMMunity-based Interoperability Utility for SMEs (Commius) Podpora Interoperability pre MSP založená na ISU
Program: FP7 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: FP7-213876 Duration: 1.2.2008 – 31.1.2011
Web page: www.commius.eu
Advanced Data Mining and Integration Research for Europe (ADMIRE) Pokročilé dolovanie a integrácia dát pre Európu
Program: FP7 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: FP7-215024 Duration: 1.3.2008 – 28.2.2011
Radical Innovation Maskless Nanolithography Radikálna inovácia bezmaskovej nanolitografie
Program: FP6 Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan ID: 17133 Duration: 1.10.2005 – 30.9.2008
Web page: www.rimana.org, http://cordis.europa.eu/fetch?CALLER=FP6_PROJ=D=74659=1=PROJ=14
Dissemination and Exploitation GRids in Earth sciencE (DEGREE) Rozšírenie a využitie gridov vo vede o Zemi
Program: FP6 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: FP6-034619 Duration: 1.6.2006 – 31.5.2008
Web page: www.eu-degree.eu
Software Engineering for Parallel Processing, EU Copernicus (SEPP) Softvérové inžinierstvo v paralelnom spracovaní informácií, EU Copernicus
Program: CIP-ICT Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: CIPA – CT93-0251 Duration: 1.2.1994 – 31.3.1997
Web page: http://ups.savba.sk/parcom/sephp/sephp.html https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/CIPA930251
Enabling Grids for E-scienE III (EGEE-III) Sprístupnenie Gridu pre e-vedu III
Program: FP7 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: FP7-222667 Duration: 1.5.2008 – 30.4.2010
Web page: www.eu-egee.org
Enabling Grids for E-Science in Europe (EGEE) Sprístupnenie Gridu pre e-vedu v Európe
Program: FP6 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: 508833 Duration: 1.4.2004 – 31.3.2006
Web page: www.eu-egee.org
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE II (EGEE II) Sprístupnenie Gridu pre e-vedu v Európe II
Program: FP6 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: RI-031688 Duration: 1.4.2006 – 31.3.2008
Web page: www.eu-egee.sk
Stimulation of European Industry through High Performance Computing, EU Copernicus Network (SEIHPC) Stimulácia európskeho priemyslu pomocou vysokovýkonného počítania , EU Copernicus sieťový projekt
Program: CIP-ICT Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: COP-94-00774 Duration: 1.4.1995 – 31.3.1997
Web page: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/CP94-774
Emergency Responder Data Interoperability Network (REDIRNET) Systém pre dátovú interoperabilitu záchranných zložiek
Program: FP7 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: FP7 – 607768 Duration: 1.3.2014 – 31.8.2016
Technology for the Production of Massively Parallel Intelligent Cantilever – Probe Platform for Nanoscale Analysis and Synthesis Technológia výroby matice paralelných inteligentných nosníkov –sondových platform pre analýzu a syntézu v nanometrovej oblasti
Program: FP6 Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan ID: 515739 Duration: 1.4.2005 – 30.9.2010
Web page: www.pronano.org
Virtual Enterprises by Networked Interoperability Services (VENIS) Virtuálne podniky zosieťované navzájom prepojenými službami
Program: FP7 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: FP7 – 284984 Duration: 1.9.2011 – 31.8.2015
DevelOpment of GRID Environment for InteRaCtive ApplicationS (CROSSGRID) Vývoj Grid prostredia pre interaktívne aplikácie
Program: FP5 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: IST-2001-32243 Duration: 1.3.2002 – 30.4.2005
Web page: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/63588/factsheet/en
Knowledge-based Workflow System for Grid Applications (K-WfGrid) Znalostná konštrukcia toku práce v Gridových aplikáciách
Program: FP6 Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. ID: FP6-511385 Duration: 1.9.2004 – 28.2.2007
Web page: www.kwfgrid.net

Actual and recent projects (annotations):

Finished projects (annotations):

Seamless Communication for Crisis Management (SeCriCom) Bezproblémová komunikácia pre krízový manažment
Annotation: Project\’s aim was to create Seamless Communication for Crisis Management for EU safety. Thirteen partners from eight EU countries had united their capacities in order to produce a competetive solution for secure communication and collaboration of emergency responders with advanced functions.
Data Fusion for Flood Analysis and Decision Support (ANFAS) Datová fúzia pre analýzu povodní a podporu rozhodovania
Annotation: ANFAS project aims at developing a Support Decision System for flood prevention and protection, integrating the most advanced techniques of data processing and management. Tools based on Computer Vision and Scientific Computing will enable to create a model of the scene and to perform flood simulation. Close involvement of end-users and industrial partners may lead to the realisation of an Integrated Information System close to a prototype. Pilot applications will be carried out on the Vah river in Slovaka, the Loire in France, the Poyang lake and the Three Gorges reservoir in China.
EGI: Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe (EGI-InSPIRE) EGI: Integrovaná udržateľná pan-európska infraštruktúra pre vedu v Európe
Annotation: Scientific research is no longer conducted within national boundaries and is becoming increasing dependent on the large-scale analysis of data, generated from instruments or computer simulations housed in trans-national facilities, by using e-Infrastructure (distributed computing and storage resources linked by high-performance networks).The 48 month EGI-InSPIRE project will continue the transition to a sustainable pan-European e-Infrastructure started in EGEE-III. It will sustain support for Grids of high-performance and high-throughput computing resources, while seeking to integrate new Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCIs), i.e. Clouds, SuperComputing, Desktop Grids, etc., as they are required by the European user community. It will establish a central coordinating organisation, EGI.eu, and support the staff throughout Europe necessary to integrate and interoperate individual national grid infrastructures. EGI.eu will provide a coordinating hub for European DCIs, working to bring existing technologies into a single integrated persistent production infrastructure for researchers within the European Research Area.EGI-InSPIRE will collect requirements and provide user-support for the current and new (e.g. ESFRI) users. Support will also be given for the current heavy users as they move their critical services and tools from a central support model to ones driven by their own individual communities. The project will define, verify and integrate within the Unified Middleware Distribution, the middleware from external providers needed to access the e-Infrastructure. The operational tools will be extended by the project to support a national operational deployment model, include new DCI technologies in the production infrastructure and the associated accounting information to help define EGI’s future revenue model.
Global ATM security management (GAMMA) Globálny bezpečnostný manažment riadenia letovej prevádzky
Annotation: The project deals with the global ATM security management in the European aerospace in future.
Interactive European Grid (int.eu.grid) Interaktívny Európsky Grid
Annotation: no description
Mediterranean Grid of Multi-Risk Data and Models (MEDIGRID) Juhoeurópsky Grid multi-rizikových údajov a modelov
Annotation: no description
Correlation of structure and magnetism in novel nanoscale magnetic particles Korelácia štruktúry a magnetických vlastností nových magnetických nano častíc
Annotation: no description
Parallel Processing Tools: Integration and Result Dissemination (KIT) Nástroje pre paralené spracovanie informácií: Integrácia a ďalšie rozšírenie výsledkov
Annotation: Program: FP4-INCO, KIT – INCO-Esprit Keep in Touch
High Performance Computing Tools for Industry, EU Copernicus (HPCTI) Nástroje pre vysokovýkonné počítanie v priemysle, EU Copernicus
Annotation: Program:IC-PECO/COPERNICUS.The aim of the HPCTI project is to develop a toolset for the development of parallel application programs for distributed memory multiprocessors, including networks of distributed workstations. The project focuses on the following key research issues in parallel systems engineering: visual programming, simulation, mapping and load-balancing, monitoring, visualisation and quality issues. The project will be conducted within an encompassing task framework of which the SEPP project ( Software Engineering for Parallel Processing ) forms a part. SEPP will primarly address the specification and the development of a graphical CASE environment to support the lifecycle of generic, distributed-memory multiprocessor systems. HPCTI will address the integration of the tools on an agreed hardware/software platform.
A Platform for Organisationally Mobile Public Employees (Pellucid) Platforma pre zamestnancov verejnej správy migrujúcich medzi organizáciami
Annotation: Project will design, develop and validate a flexible software platform for an important kind of knowledge management: to assist organisationally mobile workers at middle and higher levels of public sector organisation.
COMMunity-based Interoperability Utility for SMEs (Commius) Podpora Interoperability pre MSP založená na ISU
Annotation: Commius aims to deliver an adaptable and customisable software prototype, providing SMEs with zero-cost of entry into interoperability using the ideas behind the Interoperability Service Utility.
Radical Innovation Maskless Nanolithography Radikálna inovácia bezmaskovej nanolitografie
Annotation: The specific targeted research project RIMANA (Radical Innovation Maskless Nanolithography) aims to research and develop a key masklessnanolithography technology for low to medium volume production, essential for the semiconductor industry and emerging nanotechnology industry.RIMANA is driven by two global industrial needs:A maskless lithography (ML2) tool for short run and low to medium volume leading edge device manufacturers (Logic, ASIC, Silicon Foundries),A fast Mask Writer for the leading edge high volume device manufacturers (MPU, DRAM, Logic).Both global industrial needs are addressed by the RIMANA project with the following overall S/T objectives and work plans:- Concept and realisation of new, highly-innovative compact APS (programmable Aperture Plate System), including higher-speed electronics with the ability to generate a massive parallelisation of electron beams for the 32nm node and beyond.- Concept and realization of optical Data Path improvements to achieve higher data rates.- Design and generation of test benches to demonstrate sub-32nm node ML2 high throughput capabilities in resist.- Brainstorm of results with perspectives for potential industrial realisation.The key challenges will be to explore and develop essential elements for the massive parallelisation of electron-beams and 200x reduction electron-optics,retaining ultimate resolution down to the nanometer scale, while minimising throughput-resolution trade-offs.The project will be carried out by a strong and diversified team from industry, academia and acclaimed European research institutes, under the leadershipof IMS Nanofabrication AG, an SME with extensive experience in cutting-edge charged particle nanofabrication research and technology.RIMANA is harmonised completely with the FP6 strategic objective IST & NMP-3. In particular, RIMANA addresses the need for “maskless nano-patterningfor low to medium volume production for the 32 nm node and beyond”.
Dissemination and Exploitation GRids in Earth sciencE (DEGREE) Rozšírenie a využitie gridov vo vede o Zemi
Annotation: DEGREE is a Specific Support Action (SSA) project which aims to promote GRID throughout a large and diverse Earth Science (ES) community, in order to increase the awareness and uptake of GRID technology and infrastructure by EU Earth Science Industry and Research communities.
Enabling Grids for E-Science in Europe (EGEE) Sprístupnenie Gridu pre e-vedu v Európe
Annotation: no description
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE II (EGEE II) Sprístupnenie Gridu pre e-vedu v Európe II
Annotation: The EGEE project brings together experts from over 27 countries with the common aim of building on recent advances in Grid technology and developing a service Grid infrastructure which is available to scientists 24 hours-a-day.The project aims to provide researchers in academia and industry with access to major computing resources, independent of their geographic location. The EGEE project will also focus on attracting a wide range of new users to the Grid.
Stimulation of European Industry through High Performance Computing, EU Copernicus Network (SEIHPC) Stimulácia európskeho priemyslu pomocou vysokovýkonného počítania , EU Copernicus sieťový projekt
Annotation: Program: IC-PECO/COPERNICUSThe objective of this concerted action is the provision of a mechanism whereby high performance computing (HPC) skills, tools and experience can be transferred across Europe and the emerging economies of Eastern Europe and the NIS.Technology transfer takes place between the steering group, who have HPC skills and experience, and new members through one-to-one contact and workshops. Experiences in the one-to-one contacts, as well as presentations of relevance to HPC, will be discussed at the workshops, which will be held in January 1996 in Portugal and in September 1996 in Hungary.European links:The network will provide a tightly coupled outlet for the major developments made in HPC by the steering group members in the two Copernicus projects Software Engineering for Parallel Processing (SEPP) and High Performance Computing Tools for Industry (HPCTI).INFORMATION DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES AND EXPLOITATIONThe major activities in this concerted action arevisits of new members to members of the steering group a reporting mechanism to assess the impact of HPC two major workshops.
Emergency Responder Data Interoperability Network (REDIRNET) Systém pre dátovú interoperabilitu záchranných zložiek
Annotation: Over the past 5 years the majority of the REDIRNET consortia have participated in Projects SECRICOM and FREESIC;this has involved partners engaging significantly with a wide range of public safety officers across the EU. A benefit of thisengagement has been the recognition that in addition to agency interoperability of communications a pressing need existsfor agency interoperability of additional IT systems such as databases, sensor systems and cameras. REDIRNET providesa framework for addressing this need with detailed mapping of user preferences and related legal requirements usinginnovative technologies.The consortium is aware that frequently it is non-technical issues that hinder agency interoperability regardless of the qualityof technical solutions. Consequently user engagement across a range of agencies EU-wide will be ongoing throughout theduration of REDIRNET. This will lead to the first of two elements of the REDIRNET framework – a quality repository of useridentified interoperability issues and proposals for their resolutionThe second element of REDIRNET will be technology. REDIRNET will provide a decentralized framework for interoperabilityfor first responders’ systems based on a public meta-data gateway controlled by the agencies themselves via a REDIRNETsocio-professional web. Agencies will be able link up to partner agencies of their choice and operational need; they will alsobe able to manage the scope of such interoperability. To help set up these link-up arrangements REDIRNET will be enhancedwith semantic web methods in accordance with the vocabulary and processes of the user community. Inter-operatingagencies will need only to develop one gateway (to REDIRNET) leading to a cost effective solution; agent technologies willalso be developed to facilitate the integration of user systems into REDIRNET.
Technology for the Production of Massively Parallel Intelligent Cantilever – Probe Platform for Nanoscale Analysis and Synthesis Technológia výroby matice paralelných inteligentných nosníkov –sondových platform pre analýzu a syntézu v nanometrovej oblasti
Annotation: Scanning proximity probes (SPP) are uniquely powerful tools for analysis, manipulation and bottom-up synthesis: they are capable of addressing and engineering surfaces at the atomic level and are the key to unlocking the full potential of Nanotechnology.Current SPP nanotools are limited to single probes with pitifully slow processing rates and, even at the research level, attempts at multiprobe systems have achieved only a 32 x 32 array. This could be a terminal limitation for the future of Nanotechnology, in particular for bottom-up manufacturing, with little prospect for economic throughputs, unless 2-dimensional massively parallel probe arrays can be realised.Such a development would revolutionise Nanotechnology, triggering an avalanche of new products and processes in a wide range of applications including surface chemistry, materials and the life-health industries. This ground-breaking technology development is the ambitious principal aim of this proposal. Generic massively parallel intelligent cantilever-probe platforms will be produced through a number of existing and ground-breaking techniques.The ultimate product will be a packaged VLSI NEMS-chip (Very Large Scale Integrated Nano Electro Mechanical System) incorporating 128×128 proximal probes, fully addressable with control and readout interconnects and advanced software.To validate this novel technology, a series of demonstrations are planned where relevant SMEs will use this technology to carry out sub-10 nm metrology for high throughput manufacturing. Furthermore selected key applications and the results will be used to educate and inform in support of the development of new nanotechnology processes and products.It is the aim of PRONANO that the new massively parallel scanning probe nanotools with VLSI ASNEMS (application specific nanoelectromechanical systems) chips inside should empower nanotechnologists and drive the rapid development of nanoscience, leading to new nanotechnology processes and their industrial exploitation. They will secure the future of nanotechnology with economic throughputs leading to new manufacturing industries.
Virtual Enterprises by Networked Interoperability Services (VENIS) Virtuálne podniky zosieťované navzájom prepojenými službami
Annotation: The VENIS project is aimed at bridging the gap of interoperability between Large and Medium-Small-MicroEnterprises, according to the “Virtual Organisation” paradigm:- a distributed and secure repository to share the information contained in the file systems, databases, ERPs,CRMs, and other legacy applications of the enterprises, connecting the IT Infrastructures from Large to Microenterprises;- a set of lightweight web services for the smart integration of the information exchanged in joint works, based onlegacy email systems and boosted by semantic annotations and search;- a distributed processes engine mechanism, able to link and execute the enterprises business processes, toassist the work in joint businesses and to create novel synergies in products supply chains.Latest documents and multimedia, meeting planning, joint work flow and milestones, etc. will be then easilyavailable to all the persons involved both from Large to Micro enterprises, while leaving almost unchanged thealready existing legacy procedures.The Consortium, composed by 7 Partners skilled in international collaboration, is well balanced in expertisebetween technology developers and final users. The VENIS results will be disseminated on the Web and inInternational Conferences, thanks to the creation of a VENIS Community of users,Boosted by VENIS, the involved Enterprises expect to improve their competitive edge in joint projects, byexploiting the project results in their joint business and towards external market, bringing an estimated 15-20%increase of business during the 3 years following the end of the project.
Knowledge-based Workflow System for Grid Applications (K-WfGrid) Znalostná konštrukcia toku práce v Gridových aplikáciách
Annotation: Project K-Wf_Grid addresses the need for a better infrastructure for the future Grid environment. In order to address the complexity in using and controlling the next generation Grid, the K-Wf_Grid consortium will adopt the approaches envisioned by semantic Web and Grid communities in a novel, generic infrastructure, to assist its users in composing powerful Grid workflows by means of a rule-based expert system.