The Institute originated from the Laboratory of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (1956) by transformation into Institute of Technical Cybernetics (1966) and Institute of Computer Systems (1991).
Slovak Academy of Sciences resolved about transformation of the ICS into Institute of Informatics, since 1999.
Since July 2001, Institute of Control Theory and Robotics has been joined to Institute of Informatics.
1953 Foundation of Slovak Academy of Sciences
1956 established Laboratory of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
1966 transformation of Laboratory into Institute of Technical Cybernetics
1991 ITC devided into three institutes:
- Institute of Computer Systems UPS
- Institute of Control Theory and Robotics UTRR
- Institute of Automation and Communication UAKOM
1994 Institute of Automation and Communication joined to Institute of Control Theory and Robotics
1999 transformation of Institute of Computer Systems into Institute of Informatics
2001 Institute of Control Theory and Robotics joined to Institute of Informatics
60 years informatics in Slovakia: Permanent exhibition of the history of computing in Slovakia