Statute YSC

Young Scientists Council at the Informatics Institute of SAS

Young Scientists Council (YSC) at the Informatics Institute is an organization that covers all the PhD students, employed researchers and scientific-technical skills which are less than 36 years old.

The Council has support and motivational aspects to discover skills, develop expertise and personalities of young people at the Institute.

Council membership is voluntary. The membership consists of a chairman, vice-chairman and two (2) other members of the Bureau of the Council that are elected among themselves. The tenure of the Bureau is for two years, and members can replaced and re-elected if necessary. For the eligibility of the voting, 50% of all members must be present.

The focus of the Council is as follows:

1. Improving of English/Slovak language skills.

2. Supporting of cooperation between members of Council and other young scientists from other departments of the SAS.

3. Evaluation of young scientist issues to work in the science. Effort to improve the conditions to attract them.

4. Enhancing of non-working and social life of young scientist.

5. Creativities and improving facilities for sports, cultural activities for young people.

Chairman of YSC