
Work with us

We are looking for a colleague / colleagues at the detached workplace of the Institute of Informatics SAS in Banská Bystrica.

Place of work:Banská Bystrica
Start date:immediately, by agreement, …
Type of employment:full-time or internal doctoral student
Wage conditionsdepending on education and practice, remuneration under Act no. 553/2003 Coll. + possible rewards for dealing with scientific and research projects

Job information

Job description

  Carry out basic and applied research in the field of intelligent sensor systems and (micro) mechatronic elements and devices:

  • solving tasks in the field of design, modeling, simulation, optimization and control (micro) of mechatronic elements and equipment, (micro) robotics, compliant mechanisms, mechanical metamaterials.
  • solution of unconventional principles of sensing and solutions of sensory systems (wireless sensors, multi-sensor scanning, fusion of data through artificial intelligence methods)
  • solutions in the field of sensors and information systems (sensing of mechanical properties, design of new electro-mechanical elements of sensors and devices, opto-electronic scanning)
  • Sensor equipment integration for monitoring and control purposes (microprocessor units), sensor networks

  Publication and presentation of results at international conferences and in implied journals.

Participation in project solutions

Employee benefits:

  • Perspective, interesting and meaningful work 
  • Flexible working hours
  • 45 days of vacation
  • Possibility of foreign internship
  • For applicants with termination II. level of university studies, possibility of internal doctoral study at the workplace UI SAS (for trade unions where UI SAS is an external educational institution)

Requirements for the employee

  • Completed university studies II. or III. degree of technical direction (Mechatronics, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Cybernetics, etc.)
  • Ability to work independently, also work in a collective
  • Knowledge of English and work on PC

If you have questions or would like to work with us, contact us:

Director:  Ing. Mgr. Robert Andok, PhD.


Institute of Informatics
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Dúbravská cesta 9
845 07 Bratislava
Slovak Republic


Phone: +421-2-5477 1004
Fax: +421-2-5477 1004, 6045

Branch Office in Banska Bystrica:

Institute of Informatics
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Dumbierska 1
974 11 Banska Bystrica
Slovak Republic

Tel.: +421-48-4152366
Fax: +421-48-4152364

Car road map with navigation to II SAS Bratislava
Letisko M. R. Štefánika, Bratislava Airport Bratislava, a. s. (BTS)
Vienna Airport