Collaboration with Universities and scientific research institutes
Universities | Scientific research |
University of Žilina (UNIZA, Centrum výskumu v doprave) |
The collaboration is related to solving the joint project Models of formation and spread of fire to increase safety of road tunnels (project no. APVV-15-0340) supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency APVV. |
Faculty of Safety Engineering of Ostrava (CZ) |
Co-operation on submitting a joint multilateral foreign project within the framework of the Danube Strategy call. Modeling and computer simulation of fires. |
Institute of Electronics and Photonics FEI STU Bratislava |
Co-operation in development and application of electron beam lithography. Co-operation in sharing of special technologies. |
Institute of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering FEI STU Bratislava |
Co-operation in the exploitation of the Laboratory of electron beam lithography for the training of students. |
International Laser Centre, Bratislava |
Co-operation in the exploitation of electron beam lithography for R&D of new photonic devices. |
FEI STU Bratislava |
Co-operation in solving tasks of Competence centre INTELINSYS. Agreement on cooperation in providing PhD study. |
MtF STU Bratislava |
Co-operation in the pedagogical process, participation in state examination committees for bachelor’s, engineering and doctoral studies. |
FIIT STU Bratislava |
Co-operation in APVV project preparation, participation in the educational process, workshop WIKT 2015 (Košice ,November 2015) co-organization. Agreement on cooperation in providing PhD study. |
FEI TU Košice |
Centre for Information Technologies, join-research workplace of FEI TU Košice a II SAS), co-operation in APVV project preparation. |
STU Bratislava, TU Košice, ŽU Žilina universities, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica |
Co-operation in building of Slovak Grid Infrastructure in the scope of the national project SIVVP. |
Faculty of Electronics and Multimedia Telecommunications (FEI TUKE) |
Co-operation on the implementation of the Automatic Dictation Transcription project for the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic and Prosecutor General’s Office, preparation of a joint APVV project. |
Memberships in national and international organizations
Name, Surname, Title | Function |
Ing. Ivana Budinská, PhD. (member) |
Doménová platforma inteligentnej špecializácie č.3, Digitálne Slovensko a kreatívny priemysel |
Ing. Milan Rusko, PhD. (Slovak Republic proxy) |
Zastupovanie Slovenska na 10. medzinárodnom zasadnutí Komisie UNESCO pre ochranu nehmotného kultúrneho dedičstva. Stretnutie sa uskutočnilo 30. novembra až 4. decembra 2015 v meste Windhoek, Namíbia. Z ÚI SAV v delegácii SR zúčastnil na podujatí Ing. Milan Rusko, PhD. |
RNDr. Ján Glasa, CSc. (consultant) |
Pracovná skupina pre výskum a vývoj v informačno-komunikačných technológiách (pracovné skupiny MŠ pre oblasti špecializácie RIS3 SK z pohľadu dostupných vedeckých a výskumných kapacít SR) |
doc. Ing. Ladislav Hluchý, CSc. (Slovak Republic proxy) |
Task Force on computing and data processing in the ESFRI infrastructures |
doc. Ing. Ladislav Hluchý, CSc. (consultant) |
Task Force on research and development in ICT – Task Forces of Ministry of Education for areas of specialization RIS3 Slovakia in terms of available scientific and research capacities SR |
doc. Ing. Ladislav Hluchý, CSc. (Slovak Republic proxy) |
e-Infrastructure Reflection Group |
doc. Ing. Ladislav Hluchý, CSc. (Slovak Republic proxy) |
EGI-Council |
Ing. Milan Rusko, PhD. (member) |
Rada ministra MKSR pre ochranu nehmotného kultúrneho dedičstva |
doc.Mgr. Štefan Beňuš, PhD. (member) |
RNDr. Vladimír Britaňák, DrSc. (member) |
IEEE Computer Society (Signal Processing Society) |
doc. Ing. František Čapkovič, CSc. (member) |
IEEE Computer Society |
doc. Ing. František Čapkovič, CSc. (member) |
International Directory of Distinguished Leadership, American Biographical Institute (ABI) Inc. |
Ing. Štefan Havlík, DrSc. (permanent member) |
Technical Committee for Robotics and Mechatronics – IFToMM (Int. federiaton on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms) |
Ing. Štefan Havlík, DrSc. (permanent member) |
Permanent Commission for the History of Mechanism and Machine Science – IFToMM (Int. federiaton on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms) |