
Collaboration with Universities and scientific research institutes

Universities Scientific research

University of Žilina (UNIZA, Centrum výskumu v doprave)

The collaboration is related to solving the joint project Models of formation and spread of fire to increase safety of road tunnels (project no. APVV-15-0340) supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency APVV.

Faculty of Safety Engineering of Ostrava (CZ)

Co-operation on submitting a joint multilateral foreign project within the framework of the Danube Strategy call. Modeling and computer simulation of fires.

Institute of Electronics and Photonics FEI STU Bratislava

Co-operation in development and application of electron beam lithography. Co-operation in sharing of special technologies.

Institute of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering FEI STU Bratislava 

Co-operation in the exploitation of the Laboratory of electron beam lithography for the training of students.

International Laser Centre, Bratislava

Co-operation in the exploitation of electron beam lithography for R&D of new photonic devices.

FEI STU Bratislava

Co-operation in solving tasks of Competence centre INTELINSYS. Agreement on cooperation in providing PhD study.

MtF STU Bratislava

Co-operation in the pedagogical process, participation in state examination committees for bachelor’s, engineering and doctoral studies.

FIIT STU Bratislava

Co-operation in APVV project preparation, participation in the educational process, workshop WIKT 2015 (Košice ,November 2015) co-organization. Agreement on cooperation in providing PhD study.

FEI TU Košice

Centre for Information Technologies, join-research workplace of FEI TU Košice a II SAS), co-operation in APVV project preparation.

STU Bratislava, TU Košice, ŽU Žilina universities, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica

Co-operation in building of Slovak Grid Infrastructure in the scope of the national project SIVVP.

Faculty of Electronics and Multimedia Telecommunications (FEI TUKE)

Co-operation on the implementation of the Automatic Dictation Transcription project for the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic and Prosecutor General’s Office, preparation of a joint APVV project.

Memberships in national and international organizations

Name, Surname, Title Function
Ing. Ivana Budinská, PhD.
Doménová platforma inteligentnej špecializácie č.3, Digitálne Slovensko a kreatívny priemysel
Ing. Milan Rusko, PhD.
(Slovak Republic proxy)
Zastupovanie Slovenska na 10. medzinárodnom zasadnutí Komisie UNESCO pre ochranu nehmotného kultúrneho dedičstva. Stretnutie sa uskutočnilo 30. novembra až 4. decembra 2015 v meste Windhoek, Namíbia. Z ÚI SAV v delegácii SR zúčastnil na podujatí Ing. Milan Rusko, PhD.
RNDr. Ján Glasa, CSc.
Pracovná skupina pre výskum a vývoj v informačno-komunikačných technológiách (pracovné skupiny MŠ pre oblasti špecializácie RIS3 SK z pohľadu dostupných vedeckých a výskumných kapacít SR)
doc. Ing. Ladislav Hluchý, CSc.
(Slovak Republic proxy)
Task Force on computing and data processing in the ESFRI infrastructures
doc. Ing. Ladislav Hluchý, CSc.
Task Force on research and development in ICT – Task Forces of Ministry of Education for areas of specialization RIS3 Slovakia in terms of available scientific and research capacities SR
doc. Ing. Ladislav Hluchý, CSc.
(Slovak Republic proxy)
e-Infrastructure Reflection Group
doc. Ing. Ladislav Hluchý, CSc.
(Slovak Republic proxy)
Ing. Milan Rusko, PhD.
Rada ministra MKSR pre ochranu nehmotného kultúrneho dedičstva
doc.Mgr. Štefan Beňuš, PhD.
RNDr. Vladimír Britaňák, DrSc.
IEEE Computer Society (Signal Processing Society)
doc. Ing. František Čapkovič, CSc.
IEEE Computer Society
doc. Ing. František Čapkovič, CSc.
International Directory of Distinguished Leadership, American Biographical Institute (ABI) Inc.
Ing. Štefan Havlík, DrSc.
(permanent member)
Technical Committee for Robotics and Mechatronics – IFToMM (Int. federiaton on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms)
Ing. Štefan Havlík, DrSc.
(permanent member)
Permanent Commission for the History of Mechanism and Machine Science – IFToMM (Int. federiaton on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms)