This page is accessible to members of the Board of Directors and the institute’s academic community.
Members of the Scientific Council (SC)
RNDr. Ján Glasa, CSc. – The chairman
Ing. Ján Zelenka, PhD. – Vice president
Mgr. Martin Bobák, PhD.
Ing. Ivana Budinská, PhD.
Ing. Milan Rusko, PhD.
Mgr. Peter Weisenpacher, PhD.
Prof. Ing. Vanda Benešová, PhD., FIIT STU, Bratislava
Ing. Emil Fitoš, IT Asociácie Slovenska
Prof. Ing. Liberios Vokorokos, PhD., FEI TU, Košice
SC term of office: 28. 09. 2023 – 27. 9. 2027
- The most significant results
- Publications and patents
- Departments evaluation, activities of scientific departments
- Doctoral students