Leader: Ing. P. Malík, PhD.
The Department of Intelligent Digital Systems (DDDS) at the Slovak Academy of Sciences has been conducting design, testing, and diagnostics research since 1984. It has contributed to numerous projects, published papers, and trained technical experts. DDDS also organizes workshops and conferences and continues to expand collaborations with educational and research institutions.
Research focus
- Digital system design (FPGA, ASIC)
- Design for testability and self-testing
- Design and testing of reconfigurable systems
- Design of specific algorithms
- Testing of asynchronous digital systems
- Digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms
- Intelligent models and algorithms

Staff of the department of Intelligent digital systems Leader: Ing. P. Malík, PhD. |
Former colleagues: Mária Fischerová, Elena Gramatová, Peter Trebatický, Roland Dobai, Michal Mojžiš, Andrej Kincel, Mária Pohronská, Martin Šimlaščík, Tomáš Pikula, Irena Fodorová, Hana Medviďová, Táňa Cibáková, Peter Kákoš, Vladimír Voříšek, Milan Duda, Karol Košuk, Róbert Ševčík, Vladimír Ladecký, Rastislav Lauko, Peter Mikloš, Juraj Štefanovič, Anna Somorovská, Andrej Magdolen, Peter Benčura, Ladislav Bučko, Peter Braun, Anna Volejníková, Jaroslav Volejník, Ľubica Višniarová, Miroslav Višniar, Stanislav Mazák |