Modelling and control of discrete processes

Leader: Ing. Ján Zelenka, PhD.

Research focus

  • Modeling and simulation of complex systems using Petri Nets and state-charts
  • Multi-agent systems: agent architectures, coalition strategies, and social behavior modeling
  • Supervisory control of agents via Petri Net-based models and MATLAB simulations
  • Control of complex systems focusing on reasoning, learning, and reliable action in mobile agent groups
  • Knowledge modeling and ontology-based coordination for large-scale multi-agent systems
  • Manufacturing scheduling optimization using biologically inspired AI methods
  • Applications in robotics, manufacturing, crisis management, and transportation systems

Staff of the Discrete processes modelling and control department
Leader: Ing. J. Zelenka, PhD.
Former staff:
† Ing. Valentín Fajdel, Ing. Martin Drozda, PhD., Doc.RNDr. Jaroslav Fogel, PhD., † Prof. Ing. Baltazár Frankovič, DrSc., Ing. Danica Janglová, CSc., Prof. Mgr. Gabriel Juhás, PhD., RNDr. Stanislava Labátová, CSc., Ing. Zoltán Lovász, Ing. Marek Masár, PhD., Ing. Viktor Oravec, PhD., Ing. Vladimír Popardovský, PhD., RNDr. Anna Slobodová, PhD., Dr. Tomáš Šingliar, Dr. Dang Thanh-Tung, Ing. Michal Valent