Other international projects

Actual and recent projects:

European network on extreme fire behavior (NERO)
Európska sieť pre extrémne správanie požiarov
Program: COST
Project leader: RNDr. Glasa Ján, CSc.
ID: CA22164
Duration: 17.10.2023 - 16.10.2027
Web page: https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA22164/#tabs+Name:Description
Language in the Human-Machine Era (LITHME)
Jazyk v ére človek-stroj
Program: COST
Project leader: Mgr. Sabo Róbert, PhD.
ID: CA19102
Duration: 6.10.2020 - 5.10.2024

Finished projects:

3D Visualization of Spatial Data
3D vizualizácia priestorových údajov
Program: Inter-governmental agreement
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: 53s07
Duration: 1.1.2006 - 30.11.2007
Web page: http://ups.savba.sk/3dspatial/
Agent Oriented Diagnostics of Complex Systems
Agentovo orientovaná diagnostika zložitých systémov
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: doc. Ing. Čapkovič František, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2012 - 31.12.2014
Hybrid Medical Complex Systems (SK-RO)
Hybrid Medical Complex Systems
Program: Inter-governmental agreement
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2011 - 31.12.2012
Hybrid Intelligent Modeling
Hybridné inteligentné modelovanie
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: doc. Ing. Čapkovič František, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2005 - 31.12.2007
Intelligent Agents and Information Technology Applications
Inteligentní agenti a aplikácie v informačných technológiách
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: doc. Ing. Čapkovič František, CSc.
ID: projekt nemá číslo
Duration: 1.2.2008 - 31.12.2010
Modelling, simulation and control of discrete processes
Modelovanie, simulácia a riadenie diskrétnych procesov
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Dr.h.c Frankovič Baltazár, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2004 - 31.12.2006
Modelling, simulation and control problems of intelligent manufacturing systems
Modelovanie, simulácia a riadenie inteligentných výrobných systémov
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Dr.h.c Frankovič Baltazár, DrSc.
ID: 8
Duration: 1.1.2007 - 31.12.2009
Nové prístupy v oblasti inteligentných systémov
Modern Paradigms in the Field of Intelligent Systems
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: doc. Ing. Čapkovič František, CSc.
ID: -
Duration: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2017
Modern Paradigms in the Field of Intelligent Systems
Moderné paradigmy v oblasti inteligentných systémov
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: doc. Ing. Čapkovič František, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2017
Modern Paradigms in the Field of Intelligent Systems
Moderné paradigmy v oblasti inteligentných systémov
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: doc. Ing. Čapkovič František, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2017
Design and simulation for micro robotic devices
Návrh a simulácia mikrorobotických prístrojov
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Ing. Havlík Štefan, DrSc.
ID: Project No 605
Duration: 1.1.2004 - 31.12.2006
Design and testability of low power processor and MDCT algorithm in 90 nm CMOS technology
Návrh a testovateľnosť procesora a MDCT s nízkou spotrebou v technológii CMOS 90 nm
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Mgr. Fischerová Mária
ID: 23
Duration: 1.1.2010 - 31.12.2012
Digital systems design and its testability
Návrh digitálnych systémov a ich testovateľnosť
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Mgr. Fischerová Mária
ID: 24
Duration: 1.1.2007 - 31.12.2009
Development of machine learning models for high-performance computing
Návrh modelov strojového učenia pre vysoko-výkonné počítanie.
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
Duration: 1.4.2020 - 31.12.2022
Development of software tools for analysis and synthesis of schedulers for cloud computing
Návrh softvérových nástrojov pre analýzu a syntézu plánovačov pre počítanie v cloude
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
Duration: 6.4.2017 - 31.12.2019
Nonverbal speech gestures in Slovak in multimodal and multicultural context
Neverbálne rečové gestá v slovenčine v multimodálnom a multikulturálnom kontexte
Program: COST
Project leader: Ing. Rusko Milan, PhD.
ID: COST 271/06
Duration: 9.10.2008 - 30.11.2010
Web page: http://www.cost2102.eu/joomla/
Advanced methods for distributed intelligent and knowledge oriented contro
Pokročilé metódy pre distribuované inteligentné a znalostne orientované riadenie
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Ing. Budinská Ivana, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2010 - 31.12.2012
Fire in Earth System: Science & Society (FIRElinks)
Požiar v systéme Zeme: veda a spoločnosť
Program: COST
Project leader: RNDr. Glasa Ján, CSc.
ID: CA18135
Duration: 1.6.2019 - 1.6.2023
Flood Forecasting Computed on Grid Infrastructures
Predpoved povodní pomocou počítania na gridových infraštruktúrach
Program: NATO
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: 981032
Duration: 1.1.2004 - 31.12.2006
Programming environment for adaptive development of high performance parallel software on heterogeneous platforms (MAD with s ISS NASU, Kyiv)
Programming environment for adaptive development of high performance parallel software on heterogeneous platforms
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2011 - 31.12.2013
RAilway Network of Excelence
Program: European Science Foundation (ESF)
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: SORO/JPD 3-094/2005/NP1-033, 13120200104
Duration: 3.1.2007 - 31.12.2007
European Urban Simulation for Asymmetric Scenarios (EUSAS)
Simulácia správania pre asymetrické scenáre v urbanizáciách
Program: EDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: A-0938-RT-GC
Duration: 1.3.2010 - 31.8.2012
Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Control Systems
Systémy riadenia na základe znalostí a inteligentné systémy riadenia
Program: Inter-governmental agreement
Project leader: doc. Ing. Čapkovič František, CSc.
ID: 02-GRE
Duration: 1.7.2001 - 30.6.2004
Wider Impacts and Scenario Evaluation of Autonomous and Connected Transport (WISE-ACT)
Širšie dopady a vyhodnocovanie scenárov nasadenia autonómnej a prepojenej dopravy
Program: COST
Project leader: RNDr. Glasa Ján, CSc.
ID: CA16222
Duration: 1.3.2019 - 31.3.2022
Testable and Reconfigurable Digital Cores
Testovateľné a rekonfigurovateľné digitálne jadrá
Program: Inter-governmental agreement
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Gramatová Elena, CSc.
ID: 14
Duration: 1.1.2004 - 31.12.2007
Study of electron beam resists and patterning of nano-structures by electron beam lithography for gas sensor applications
Výskum elektrónových rezistov a príprava nanoštruktúr s využitím elektrónovej litografie vo výskume senzorov plynu
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: JRP SAS-BAS 2015-2017
Duration: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2017
Improving Applicability of Nature-Inspired Optimisation by Joining Theory and Practice
Zvýšenie aplikovateľnosti prírodou inšpirovaných optimalizačných metód prepájaním teórie a praxe.
Program: COST
Project leader: Ing. Budinská Ivana, PhD.
ID: CA 15140
Duration: 9.3.2016 - 8.3.2020
Web page: http://imappnio.dcs.aber.ac.uk/

Actual and recent projects (annotations):

Finished projects (annotations):

3D Visualization of Spatial Data
3D vizualizácia priestorových údajov
Annotation: The project 3D Visualization of Spatial Data is loosely related to the Medigrid project, which goal was to create a system of web services for running the simulations of environmental disasters; and to the project of simulation of forest fires in Slovakia. The goal of the project is to utilise the data and outcomes of simulations obtained in the forementioned projects for creation of three-dimensional models of natural disasters (floods, forest fires, soil erosion, and landslides). An agreed upon requirement was the models shall be capable of being displayed both on an ordinary PC and in the Virutal Reality devices (e.g., CAVE).
Agent Oriented Diagnostics of Complex Systems
Agentovo orientovaná diagnostika zložitých systémov
Annotation: Complex systems diagnostics, and particulaly the techological diagnostics, is established area in the scientific and applied research with proved presence in the modern production predicting management. As a typically interdisciplinary field diagnostics absorbs and integrates the achievements of a serie of quickly developing scientific and applied research areas - as mechanics, fluid dynamics, control theory, probability theory, artificial intelligence, sensor techniques, computer networks and systems, signal processing etc. A significant interest arises to new intelligent agent-based approaches for diagnostics of technological systems. These approaches turn to be efficient in anticipating failures in the systems and preventig them what saves serious financial and technical resources. The purpose of the project is to investigate the existing state and to synthesize new methods and algorithms for intelligent diagnostics of sophisticated technological systems.
Hybrid Medical Complex Systems (SK-RO)
Hybrid Medical Complex Systems
Annotation: APVV COST SK-RO-0014-10
Hybrid Intelligent Modeling
Hybridné inteligentné modelovanie
Annotation: no description
Intelligent Agents and Information Technology Applications
Inteligentní agenti a aplikácie v informačných technológiách
Annotation: Intelligent agents, their beliefs, desires, intentions and cooperation between them represent a rapidly developing field, so an outcome as applications to different fields of science and information technologies are expected. The project has a tendency to contribute on this way.
Modelling, simulation and control of discrete processes
Modelovanie, simulácia a riadenie diskrétnych procesov
Annotation: no description
Modelling, simulation and control problems of intelligent manufacturing systems
Modelovanie, simulácia a riadenie inteligentných výrobných systémov
Annotation: no description
Nové prístupy v oblasti inteligentných systémov
Modern Paradigms in the Field of Intelligent Systems
Annotation: The aim of the project is to study the analysis of various contemporary paradigms from the area of artificial intelligence and intelligent systems. In this sense, it is of particular interest to research the plethora of techniques for deduction, reasoning and decision making under indeterminacy or uncertainty, based on intelligent systems and their extensions and modifications. A major emphasis in the present project will be the latest researche of members of the Bulgarian team with respect of the possibilities for building new intelligent approaches for analysis. In application aspect, as a consequence of these theoretical researche, we can outline one of the leading directions of research in the field of intelligent systems, related to launching of new development of existing techniques of predictive model control. It represents a modern kind of management of complex business and production systems, functioning under conditions of uncertainty and dynamically changing parameters of the environment, and characterized by one or more of the following features: high degree of risk, parallelism, distribution, resource competition, etc. Solving such complex applied problems requires analysis, synthesis and development of original multi-model approaches to predictive diagnostics based on analytical and experimental models, using knowledge based methods from the area of intelligent systems.
Design and testability of low power processor and MDCT algorithm in 90 nm CMOS technology
Návrh a testovateľnosť procesora a MDCT s nízkou spotrebou v technológii CMOS 90 nm
Annotation: The project is aimed at the joint research in the area of digital circuit design for testability and for low power advanced IC fabrication technologies. The project goal profits from two IP (Intellectual Property) digital cores designed in CMOS 90 nm technology. The first core design implements MDCT algorithm for digital signal processing systems. The second one is a general purpose processor for low power applications. Design optimization concerned MDCT core power consumption and performance will be based on low power design techniques in DSM technologies. Development and implementation of various testing techniques for a designed processor will be based on its structure and functional units.
Digital systems design and its testability
Návrh digitálnych systémov a ich testovateľnosť
Annotation: The project is aimed to joint research in the field of digital circuit design and test using advanced design methods and testability techniques for their integration into reconfigurable System on Chip (SoC) architectures. The project goal is to design and implement an efficient methodology for developing testable digital cores suitable for complex SoCs. The proposed methods and techniques will be used in the university education process. The efficiency of the test techniques is classified by the fault coverage therefore the testability techniques will be targeted to covering as much defects as possible based on a defect analysis of the selected CMOS technology.
Development of machine learning models for high-performance computing
Návrh modelov strojového učenia pre vysoko-výkonné počítanie.
Annotation: Nowadays, Machine learning (ML) is important and relevant trend in the development of modern computer science. ML is not new concept it was part of the field of artificial intelligence for a long time. The main idea focuses on building algorithms that can learn on their own, but recent advances in computing systems and the availability of big data create impressive progress from checkers solving program to self-moved cars and programs that recognize single face from thousands of photos. One of the applications of ML is to improve the efficiency of computations by tuning parameters of environment. Here we deal with complex computational program as with black box, which dynamic depends on parameters. In this project we propose to investigate process of auto tuning of parallel program on heterogeneous multiprocessor system. This problem is important and has some features, that makes it hard for solving. First of all, data and environment can influence performance of program in crucial way. Also, in some setups algorithm can control scheduling making strategy time-dependant.Secondly, an important feature is the presence of competing users. It is necessary to ensure fair and equal access to resources. Because each user is a rational agent and seeks to increase his or her share of the resource at the expense of others, an unbalanced distribution algorithm can shift the system to an inefficient equilibrium. This is problem of game theory. There are notable connections of ML methods with game theory. For example we can mention GANs (generative Adversarial Nets) corresponding to a two-player game, SVM (support vector machine) connected with zero-sum two-player game, and others. This project proposes the following approaches to address the problem. The first is model-free reinforcement machine learning, which is trying to find the best possible control strategy. Secondly, it is the application of the game-theoretic approach, in which the formalized user behavior is involved in the system. Each user has their own learning algorithm and is a rational agent who wants to get some of the computing resource and maximize its utility function. The project continues previous collaboration between institutes in the design of adaptive programming methods for high-performance computing in heterogeneous multiprocessor environments.Project objectives:The purpose of the project is to analyze and synthesize new machine learning algorithms in concurrent high-performance computing. Existing machine learning algorithms are usually heuristic solutions, the quality of which depends on the data and training parameters. One of the promising areas of better understanding of the work is the application of game-theoretical approaches to modeling the learning process of competing algorithms. The results of the game analysis will help to describe the optimal behavior of users at the point of equilibrium and to calculate the characteristics of schedulers and translation algorithms.
Development of software tools for analysis and synthesis of schedulers for cloud computing
Návrh softvérových nástrojov pre analýzu a syntézu plánovačov pre počítanie v cloude
Annotation: Modern scientific problems require significant computing resources, so the problem of resources optimization in multiprocessor environments is very important. We will focus on cloud systems as one of the most recent and promising fields of high-performance computing. Cloud computing systems operate in complex heterogeneous environments. It is common to have a single physical server with many simultaneous programs from different users competing for computing and network resources. In most cases, especially for public cloud, the user is unable to control the distribution of resources.The allocation algorithms may contain defects and inefficiency and this can lead to a significant increase in processing time, that is why cloud computing require efficient algorithms providing flexible and stable allocation of resources. The problem is in unfair and uneven access to resources, caused by heterogeneity of users and their tasks where each user is rational agent that tries to increase its share of resources. This could bring the system to the inefficient equilibrium., so a key element of cloud systems are efficient algorithms for load distribution – schedulers and brokers, providing services to users.The idea of this project is to apply game-theoretic approach to the problem of scheduling and allocation of computing resources in dynamic heterogeneous environment with many competitive users and provide software tools based on game-theoretic construction.Another idea of the project is an optimization approach that respects the requirements of end-users. This task will be modelled as a multi-criteria optimization problem. Each objective of the optimization will be associated with a weight. The weight will express the priority of the optimization objective. This way of the optimization will enable the end-users to adjust it to their needs. The problem will be sorted out in a general way so the solution will support various cloud providers.The project continues the previous cooperation of our Institute in constructing adaptive methods for programming high-performance computing on heterogeneous multiprocessor systems.
Nonverbal speech gestures in Slovak in multimodal and multicultural context
Neverbálne rečové gestá v slovenčine v multimodálnom a multikulturálnom kontexte
Annotation: The project is aimed at the research of non-verbal speech gestures. The basic set of these gestures in current spoken Slovak is to be defined In the course of the project. This set will be investigated in relation to other modalities (text, lexical speech gestures, static video representation - picture/photo, and dynamic video representation - video/film.)The research will also include comparative studies in multi-cultural context. For the main goals we have chosen the research on these gestures in Slovak-Hungarian language pair (diametrically different languages, very close cultural and historical context), and Slovak-Japanese (diametrically different languages). The expected results will be both theoretical, with a new contribution to the knowledge on speech communication including sound speech gestures, and on their relation to text and video representations, as well as to the intercultural research in this area.The results will be applied practically in the expressive speech synthesis and the expressive speech recognition.
Advanced methods for distributed intelligent and knowledge oriented contro
Pokročilé metódy pre distribuované inteligentné a znalostne orientované riadenie
Annotation: The project is oriented on research of distributed intelligent and knowledge oriented control systems with strong emphasis on manufacturing and production systems and applications in all levels of enterprise control. The distributed intelligent control systems means a set of embedded control systems using knowledge base, and artificial intelligence technology together with approaches of the classic theory of control focused on special applications, such as production processes, supply chains, economic processes, environmental and social processes. Research in the field of distributed intelligent control systems is focussed on using web services and web application. Web services technology enable to develop an integrated infrastructure that allows e.g. supply chain partners to connect simulations of their facilities over the Internet. Data specifications are needed to identify the types of information that will need to be exchanged between different suppliers models, manufacturing applications, and databases. Web-based solutions will enable the integration at the supply-chain, enterprise, plant, and shop-floor levels.
Flood Forecasting Computed on Grid Infrastructures
Predpoved povodní pomocou počítania na gridových infraštruktúrach
Annotation: no description
Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Control Systems
Systémy riadenia na základe znalostí a inteligentné systémy riadenia
Annotation: no description
Testable and Reconfigurable Digital Cores
Testovateľné a rekonfigurovateľné digitálne jadrá
Annotation: The project is targeted to the self-testing techniques for digital systems and their applicability to logic circuits and memories. The project topics were solved in both institutions based on mobility of PhD students and young scientists during 3 project years.
Study of electron beam resists and patterning of nano-structures by electron beam lithography for gas sensor applications
Výskum elektrónových rezistov a príprava nanoštruktúr s využitím elektrónovej litografie vo výskume senzorov plynu
Annotation: The project goal is the development of method for patterning of nano-structures at nano-meter dimensions and improvement of the technology for electron beam lithography, improvement of the models and computer simulation tools. The application is focused on sensor development. The final aim is to use research results for exposures of patterns at the dimensions region below 100 nm. The aims of the collaboration are - common results obtaining (using expensive facilities in the II-SAS, simulation tools in the IE-BAS, accumulated teams’ experience); their presentation, establishment and recognition (common publications, conference attendances, join seminars, join international project); successful continuation, strengthening and broadening of our collaboration, including young scientists and PhD students.
Improving Applicability of Nature-Inspired Optimisation by Joining Theory and Practice
Zvýšenie aplikovateľnosti prírodou inšpirovaných optimalizačných metód prepájaním teórie a praxe.
Annotation: The main objective of the COST Action is to bridge this gap and improve the applicability of all kinds of nature-inspired optimisation methods. It aims at making theoretical insights more accessible and practical by creating a platform where theoreticians and practitioners can meet and exchange insights, ideas and needs; by developing robust guidelines and practical support for application development based on theoretical insights; by developing theoretical frameworks driven by actual needs arising from practical applications; by training Early Career Investigators in a theory of nature-inspired optimisation methods that clearly aims at practical applications; by broadening participation in the ongoing research of how to develop and apply robust nature-inspired optimisation methods in different application areas.