In-sensor computing as a new paradigm for edge electronics

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10:00 am - 11:30 am

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Ústavu informatiky SAV, v.v.i. ktorý sa bude konať v stredu 10. 5. 2023 o 10.00 hod. v zasadačke č. 102


Ing. Boris Hudec, PhD. (Elektrotechnický ústav SAV, v.v.i.)

Insensor computing as a new paradigm for edge electronics

Inspired by nature, the concept of insensor computing combines traditionally distinct acts of sensing and signal processing into one operation, in a similar fashion in which inmemory computing combines storing and information processing. This is achieved by employing multiple sensing devices with engineered responsivities as synaptic connections in a simple neural network. Engineered responsivity of each sensor, and their arrangement within a synaptic matrix, allow to hardcode simple processing algorithms into the sensing network. This approach would allow for edge sensing devices to output signals which are already preprocessed to a certain degree, greatly reducing the requirements for processing and upstream bandwidth. In this talk, we will discuss how simple yet revolutionairy insensor computing systems can be built bottomup utilizing local technology and talent.

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Ing. Mgr. Robert Andok, PhD.