Activities of the Intelligent digital systems department

Organisation of these archevents

  • Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of ElectronicCircuits and Systems (DDECS): DDECS 2008, DDECS 2004, DDECS 2000
  • Czech-Slovak workshop for PhD students in thefield of design and diagnostics: PAD 2011 (co-organisation with FIIT SUT), PAD 2006, PAD 2004
  • Czech-Slovak workshop for PhD students in thefield of design and diagnostics: PAD 2011 (co-organisation with FIIT SUT), PAD 2006, PAD 2004
  • Remote Educational Tools for Design and Testing – special session at DSD’2005 Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, Portugal, 2005


  • (in Slovak) Ako navrhovať digitálny obvod v grafickom návrhovom prostredí
        Working progress seminar 17. 1. 2017 at 9.30 in meeting room 102
Lecturer: Marek Košta (Real Quantifier Elimination) → ...
        Working progress seminar 7. 6. 2016
Lecturer: Ing. Štefan Krištofík, PhD. (Self-reconfiguration of RAMs) → ...
        DDECS 2016
The 19th annual international symposium Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems - DDECS 2016 - takes place in Kosice from April 20-22, 2016. → ...
        Excursion from Private High School Tatra Academy, Poprad
Excursion from Private High School Tatra Academy, Poprad Students of the informatics section in Tatra Academy in Poprad together with their teachers visited our Institute… → ...
        PhD student seminar 8. 12. 2015
Lecturers: O. Kachman (Efficient reprogramming of low-power embedded devices) and J. Maťo (Personalized management of intelligent space) → ...