Let us draw your attention to the latest paper of our post-doctoral research scientist Martin Kenyeres published in Sensors: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/20/13/3677
The journal Sensors (ISSN:1424-3210, E-ISSN:1424-8220, website: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors ) is the leading international peer-reviewed open access journal on the science and technology of sensors issued online by MDPI.
CiteScore of Sensors (2019 Scopus data): 5.0; ranked 17/129 (Q1) in ‘Physics and Astronomy: Instrumentation’ and 147/670 (Q1) in ‘Electrical and Electronic Engineering’ and 35/119 (Q2) in ‘Analytical Chemistry’. Impact Factor: 3.275 (2019) ; 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.427 (2019).
Martin’s opinion on the journal:
I strongly recommend publishing in this journal due to its top scientific quality, rapid review process, professional editorial board, high readability, high impact factor, fast publishing, etc. Also, I recommend reading the articles published in this journal, where many top quality manuscripts appropriate for being cited can be found.