Electron Lithography Department projects | VEGA – Scientific Grant Agency of MŠVaŠ SR and SAV GAV – Grant Agency for Science COPERNICUS – European Communities ASFEU – MŠVaŠ SR Agency for the EU Structural Funds APVV – Research and Development Support Agency MAD – Inter-academic agreement |
Currently solved projects of the department:
Preparation of nanometer structures in 2D materials using electron lithography Príprava štruktúr nanometrových rozmerov v 2D materiáloch použitím elektrónovej litografie | |
program: mobility Responsible researcher: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD. | ID: BAS-SAS-2022-05 Duration: 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2024 |
Nanostructure semiconductor materials and their integration into gas chemoodpor sensors and heavy metal sensors – Nanoštruktúrne polovodivé materiály a ich integrácia do chemoodporových senzorov plynov a do senzorov ťažkých kovov | |
program: VEGA Responsible researcher: RNDr. Costume Ivan | ID: 1/0789/21 Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2024 |
Progressive methods of the transfer of nanostructured semiconductive 2D materials based on transition metal dichalcogenides onto microelectronic elements Progresívne metódy transferu nanoštruktúrnych polovodivých 2D materiálov na báze dichalkogenidov tranzitných kovov do mikroelektronických prvkov | |
program: VEGA Responsible researcher: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD. | ID: 2/0099/22 Duration: 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2025 |
Finished projects:
Innovation of sub-micrometer electron beam lithography Inovácia sub-mikrometrovej elektrónovej litografie | |
program: Bilateral – other Responsible researcher: RNDr. Costume Ivan | ID: SK-BUL-010-06 Duration: 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009 |
Web site: http://www.ie-bas.dir.bg/Departments/Beamtech.htm | |
Molecular-friendly processes for fabrication of molecular electronic devices Kompatibilné molekulárne procesy pre prípravu molekulárnych elektronických obvodov | |
program: Bilateral – other Responsible researcher: RNDr. Costume Ivan | ID: SK-GR-047-11 Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2014 |
Correlation of structure and magnetism in novel nanoscale magnetic particles Korelácia štruktúry a magnetických vlastností nových magnetických nano častíc | |
program: 5RP Responsible researcher: RNDr. Costume Ivan | ID: 150 Duration: 1.3.2000 – 31.7.2004 |
Web site: http://agfarle.uni-duisburg.de/RTN | |
An individual stimulating system with 3D nano-structure carbon/graphene based transducer and wireless heater for automated tiny insects behavior monitoring Monitorovací a stimulačný systém s 3D snímačom a mikro-ohrievačom na báze uhlíka/grafénu s bezdrôtovým ovládaním pre automatizované individuálne monitorovanie a stimuláciu drobného hmyzu | |
program: JRP Responsible researcher: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD. | ID: SAS-MOST JRP2017/1 Duration: 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2022 |
Semiconducting Metal Oxide – New Materials For Environmental Sensors Polovodivé oxidy kovov – nové materiály pre environmentálne senzory | |
program: mobility Responsible researcher: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD. | ID: SAS-BAS-21-04 Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2022 |
Radical Innovation Maskless Nanolithography Radikálna inovácia bezmaskovej nanolitografie | |
program: 6RP Responsible researcher: RNDr. Costume Ivan | ID: 17133 Duration: 10/1/2005 – 9/30/2008 |
Web site: www.rimana.org, http://cordis.europa.eu/fetch?CALLER=FP6_PROJ=D=74659=1=PROJ=14 | |
Technology for the Production of Massively Parallel Intelligent Cantilever – Probe Platform for Nanoscale Analysis and Synthesis Technológia výroby matice paralelných inteligentných nosníkov –sondových platform pre analýzu a syntézu v nanometrovej oblasti | |
program: 6RP Responsible researcher: RNDr. Costume Ivan | ID: 515739 Duration: 1.4.2005 – 30.9.2010 |
Web site: www.pronano.org | |
Nano-structuring by Electron Beam Lithography for Sensor Application Tvarovanie štruktúr pre senzorové aplikácie s využitím elektrónovej litografie | |
program: Bilateral – other Responsible researcher: RNDr. Costume Ivan | ID: APVV SK-BG-2013-0030 Duration: 5/9/2016 – 12/31/2017 |
Robust Lithography of Submicron over Nano-Dimensional Structures Výkonná litografia submikrometrových a nanometrových štruktúr | |
program: Bilateral – other Responsible researcher: RNDr. Costume Ivan | ID: SK-BG-0037-10 Duration: 1.1.2012 – 31.12.2013 |
Study of electron beam resists and patterning of nano-structures by electron beam lithography for gas sensor applications Výskum elektrónových rezistov a príprava nanoštruktúr s využitím elektrónovej litografie vo výskume senzorov plynu | |
program: Inter-academic Agreement (MAD) Responsible researcher: RNDr. Costume Ivan | ID: JRP SAS-BAS 2015-2017 Duration: 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2017 |
Building a Center of Excellence for New Technologies in Electrical Engineering – II. stage Center of Excellence for New Technologies in Electrical Engineering | |
program: EU Structural Funds Research and development Responsible researcher: RNDr. Costume Ivan | ID: ITMS – 262 401 200 19 Duration: 1.3.2010 – 28.2.2013 |
Web site: http://www.elu.sav.sk/old/cente/index.html | |
Centre of Excellence for New Technologies in Electrical Engineering Budovanie Centra excelentnosti pre nové technológie v elektrotechnike – II. etapa | |
program: EU Structural Funds Research and development Responsible researcher: RNDr. Costume Ivan | ID: ITMS – 26240120011 Duration: 5/15/2009 – 5/14/2011 |
Web site: http://www.elu.sav.sk/old/cente/index.html | |
Electron beam lithography of nanometer structures for 2D materials on the base of metal sulfides Elektrónová litografia nanometrových štruktúr pre 2D materiály na báze sulfidov kovov | |
program: VEGA Responsible researcher: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD. | ID: 2/0119/18 Duration: 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2021 |
Electron Spin PolaRImeTer based on thin ferromagnetic membranes Elektrónový spinový polarimeter na báze tenkých feromagnetických membrán | |
program: APV Responsible researcher: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD. | ID: SK-FR-2013-0032 Duration: 1.1.2014 – 31.12.2015 |
Physics of Information Fyzika informácie | |
program: Centers of Excellence SAV Responsible researcher: RNDr. Costume Ivan | ID: Duration: 1.1.2005 – 31.12.2008 |
Web site: http://www.quniverse.sk/cepi/ | |
Hybrid Spintronic Nanostructures Controlled by Spin-Polarized Current Hybridné spintronické štruktúry riadené spinovopolarizovaným prúdom | |
program: APV Responsible researcher: RNDr. Costume Ivan | ID: APVV-0173-06 Duration: 1.1.2007 – 30.4.2010 |
Web site: http://www.fu.sav.sk/?q=sk/projects#APVV | |
Micro-electro-mechanical structures and sensors for use in the automotive and transport industries | |
program: EU Structural Funds Transport Responsible researcher: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD. | ID: NFP313011X741 Duration: 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2019 |
Web site: mems.sk | |
Micro-electro-mechanical structures and sensors for aplication in automotive industry Mikro-elektro-mechanické štruktúry a senzory pre využitie v automobilovom priemysle a dopraveKód | |
program: EU Structural Funds Research and Innovation Responsible researcher: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD. | ID: 313011X741 Duration: 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2019 |
Web site: http://mems.sk | |
Nanostructure thin film materials and innovative technologies for MEMS gas and heavy metal sensors Nanostructured thin-film materials and innovative technologies for MEMS gas and heavy metal sensors | |
program: VEGA Responsible researcher: RNDr. Costume Ivan | ID: 1/0828/16 Duration: 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2019 |
Durable sensory system for industrial environments with high pressures, temperatures and high degree of electromagnetic interference (EkoWatt) | |
program: EU Structural Funds Research and development Responsible researcher: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD. | ID: ITMS 26240220037 Duration: 1.1.2011 – 31.10.2013 |
Web site: http://www. ecowatt.sk/projects/ | |
Advanced MEMS chemical sensors for extreme conditions Pokročilé MEMS chemické senzory pre extrémne podmienky | |
program: APV Responsible researcher: RNDr. Costume Ivan | ID: APVV-0655-07 Duration: 1.6.2008 – 31.12.2010 |
Web site: www.elu.sav.sk | |
Preparation of \’active\‘ tips for probe microscopy by MOCVD Príprava \’aktívnych\‘ hrotov sondovej mikroskopie metódou MOCVD | |
program: APV Responsible researcher: RNDr. Costume Ivan | ID: APVV-51-045705 Duration: 1.1.2007 – 31.10.2009 |
Web site: http://www.elu.sav.sk/apvv.html | |
Technology for the Production of Massively Parallel Intelligent Cantilever – Probe Platform for Nanoscale Analysis and Synthesis Technológia výroby matice paralelných inteligentných nosníkov – sondových platform pre analýzu a syntézu v nanometrovej oblasti | |
program: Scientific and technical projects Responsible researcher: RNDr. Costume Ivan | ID: Duration: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2009 |
Investigation of novel nanolithographic technologies Výskum nových nanolitografických technológii | |
program: VEGA Responsible researcher: Ing. The Wreck of Paul, CSc. | ID: 2/0214/09 Duration: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2011 |
Investigation of Novel Resist Materials for Next Generation Lithography Výskum nových rezistových materiálov pre litografiu novej generácie | |
program: VEGA Responsible researcher: Ing. The Wreck of Paul, CSc. | ID: VEGA 2/6184/26 Duration: 1.1.2006 – 1.12.2008 |
Investigation of processes for the preparation of structures for nanometer scale devices Výskum procesov prípravy štruktúr pre obvody na nanometrovej úrovni | |
program: VEGA Responsible researcher: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD. | ID: 2/0134/15 Duration: 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2017 |
Research and development of new information technologies for anticipation and resolution of crisis situations and security of the population (CRISIS) | |
program: EU Structural Funds Research and development Responsible researcher: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc. | ID: ITMS 26240220060 Duration: 3.1.2011 – 31.12.2013 |
Currently solved projects of the department:
Nanostructure semiconductor materials and their integration into gas chemoodpor sensors and heavy metal sensors – | |
annotation: The aim of the project will be to carry out basic research in the search for new progressive semiconductor materials based on metallic oxides and disulfides, as well as in the field of research technology of electrode material based on boron-doped diamond layers. We assume that our activities will focus on the preparation and research of the properties of TiO2, NiO and WS2 layers, their selected combination as well as their doping, while such nanostructural semiconductor materials will be integrated into chemoodpor gas sensors located on painted electroisolation membranes. Attention will also be paid to the research of the technology of the integrated-multam-mopometric sensor with the Nafion protective-film layer for simultaneous determination of trace concentrations of heavy metals. |
Progressive methods for the transfer of nanostructured semiconductor 2D materials based on transit metal dichalkogenides to microelectronic elements Progressive methods of the transfer of nanostructured semi-conductive 2D materials based on transaction metal dichalcogenides onto microelectronic elements | |
annotation: The aim of the project is to carry out basic research in the field of new progressive nanostructured semiconductor materials based on transit metal dichalkogenides with a focus on nanostructural disulphides. The aim is to examine the properties of selected nanostructure disulfides in terms of their use in microlectronics and to show the expected advantages of nanostructure disulfides compared to bulk semiconductor materials. For this purpose, we will design model microelectronic elements based on specific nanostructure disulfidovako are WS2, MoS2, Mise and develop technological methods for their preparation. We will focus on mastering the methods of mechanical and chemical exfoliation of layers of nanostructural disulphides and their transfer to a microelectronic element on a substrate.In the next part of the project, we will focus on the analysis of these layers and their structural properties by physical methods (SEM, AFM, EDX, Raman spectroscopy, etc.) and the characterization of electrical and transport properties of the model microelectronic structure. |
Completed projects:
Compatible molecular processes for the preparation of molecular electronic circuits Molecular-friendly processes for fabrication of molecular electronic services | |
annotation: The aim of this project is to develop and optimize molecular logic circuit preparation technology based on the self-organization of molecular monolayers, the verification of technology on a specific molecular circuit and the subsequent characterization of the molecular circuit. Specifically, the development of a molecular switch is proposed. When preparing a dielectric gate and metal electrode, a technological procedure is proposed that minimizes the risk of damage to the molecular monolayer or its electrical properties. This means that solutions or heat treatment will not be used. |
Monitoring and stimulation system with 3D sensor and micro-heater based on carbon/graphene with wireless control for automated individual monitoring and stimulation of small insects An individual stimulation system with 3D nano-structure carbon/graphene based transducer and wireless heater for automated tiny insects behavioral monitoring | |
annotation: During the duration of the project, we aim to design and make a position micro-senser based on 3D carbon structures, ie it is a construction of a monitoring and evaluation system that will help in the experiment to determine the exact position of small insects, to monitor their social behavior. Next, we will make a micro-heater with wireless control in the form of a microchip (taking into account dimensions and physiology) This microheater will include an LC resonant circuit (micro-towing) of precisely determined dimensions formed on a thin carbon layer (resp. several microchips based on a microheater with different resonant frequencies for monitoring multiple, ca 10, drozophile simultaneously).Tuning the production technology and functionality of the microheater prototype will be the subject of experiments at UI SAV in close cooperation with ElU SAV. By the action of a controlled external el.-magn. the field occurs due to el.mag. induction into local non-destructive heating of the dorsal part of the insect. There are studies that point to the possibility of controlled stimulation of insects by the action of a local microheating – which is also the motivation of our experiment. We assume that mastering the development of both of these structures will also find application in other areas / solutions within the SAS institutes or in cooperation with the words. universities. The main goal is therefore to facilitate the experiment of social behavior of the selected insect species (Drosophilae).Drosophilae were chosen in the project as a model organism because it is known, ze >60 percent of human severe CNS / brain disease has an identical genetic origin. The hierarchical structure of the nervous system of drozophiles is similar to the structure of the brain of mammals, ie to some extent to humans, which conditions their replicated behavior (reproduction, sleep, ability to learn, swarming – formation of organized social groups). As a broader impact of this bilateral cooperation by monitoring the social behavior of drozophiles, we can help understand the cause of some serious brain diseases (Parkinson, Alzheimer…), an aid in the application of neuronal networks, etc. The results of the project can also affect wider areas, as already mentioned (eg living nature sciences / medical sciences).which makes their collicted behavior conditional (reproduction, sleep, ability to learn, swarming – creating organized social groups). As a broader impact of this bilateral cooperation by monitoring the social behavior of drozophiles, we can help understand the cause of some serious brain diseases (Parkinson, Alzheimer…), an aid in the application of neuronal networks, etc. The results of the project can also affect wider areas, as already mentioned (eg living nature sciences / medical sciences).which makes their collicted behavior conditional (reproduction, sleep, ability to learn, swarming – creating organized social groups). As a broader impact of this bilateral cooperation by monitoring the social behavior of drozophiles, we can help understand the cause of some serious brain diseases (Parkinson, Alzheimer…), an aid in the application of neuronal networks, etc. The results of the project can also affect wider areas, as already mentioned (eg living nature sciences / medical sciences).The results of the project can also affect wider areas, as already mentioned (eg living nature sciences / medical sciences).The results of the project can also affect wider areas, as already mentioned (eg living nature sciences / medical sciences). |
Semi-conductive metal oxides – new materials for environmental sensors Semiconducting Metal Oxide – New Materials For Environmental Sensors | |
annotation: The design of this project is motivated by research into new semiconductor materials based on metal oxides such as titanium dioxide TiO2, NiO, ZnO, as well as the current state of development of electron lithography (EBL), which is one of the alternative methods of preparing micro- and nanostructures. The project proposal aims to acquire new scientific knowledge in the preparation of structures in the nanometer area of dimensions (50 – 150 nm) in electron resistors on thin layers of semiconductor metal oxides. We focus on research into the impact of electron lithography processes on the resulting nanometer structures prepared in electron resistors on unconventional materials such as semiconductive metal oxides, in terms of resolution, accuracy of structure dimensions in resist and shape of lateral walls of structures in resist.An important part of this project are simulations of lithographic parameters of electron resistes on thin layers of semiconducting metal oxides. Based on the acquired know-how and simulations of lithographic parameters, we prepare nano-meter structures in thin layers of semiconducting metal oxides (including TiO2) for the development of chemoresistive gas sensors. |
Powerful lithograph of submicrometer and nanometer structures Robust Lithography of Submicron over Nano-Dimensional Structures | |
annotation: This project follows on from the previous project of the Slovak-Bulgarian scientific and technical cooperation, in which the problems of submicrometer electron lithography were solved. In this project, we propose to expand experiments and simulations into the field of nanometer dimensions of structures. The production of circuits in the nanometer area requires very precise regulation of the profile of structures in polymeric resistors. The simulation process is key to optimizing the results of the lithographic process. The ultimate goal of the project is to use research results for structural exposures in the area of dimensions less than 100 nm. The project has the following objectives: – preparation of joint publications,- joint active participation in EBT 2010 conferences in Bulgaria and APCOM 2011 in Slovakia,- mutual use of special laboratory equipment – electron lithograph ZBA and growing electron microscopy in SAS and AFM microscopy in BAN,- collection of research materials in the field of nanolithography for teaching and popularization purposes. |
Building a Center of Excellence for New Technologies in Electrical Engineering – II. stage Center of Excellence for New Technologies in Electrical Engineering | |
annotation: The strategic goal of the project is „ Increasing the potential for cutting-edge basic research of the Center of Excellence for New Technologies in Electrical Engineering and its contribution to society and practice “.The project has the following specific objectives:1: Ensuring the effective functioning and management of the Center of Excellence2: Increasing the Centre’s research potential with the state-of-the-art facilities needed to implement ongoing and upcoming projects3: Increasing the socio-economic added value of the Center of Excellence. |
Center of Excellence for New Technologies in Electrical Engineering – I.etapa Center of Excellence for New Technologies in Electrical Engineering | |
annotation: ÚI SAS participated in the implementation of the CENTE-I project under the call of the Operational Program Research and Development for Action no. 4.1 Promoting networks of excellent research and development workplaces as pillars of the development of the region in the Bratislava region with the strategic goal of increasing the research and development potential of the BOD region in the field of electrical engineering for the needs of socio-economic practice and international scientific and technical cooperation. The specific objectives of the project include, in particular, the improvement of the technical infrastructure of state-of-the-art electrical engineering research facilities in the Bratislava region, as the current level of technical infrastructure does not allow several research activities, the Centre’s equipment with state-of-the-art equipment needed to implement ongoing and upcoming projects.raising the level of information and communication technologies of the Center and integrating the Center into regional and international cooperation. The Center of Excellence consists of the following new laboratories: Laboratory for the Application of Metals in Clean Spaces, Laboratory for the Preparation and Forming of Nanostructures and Laboratory for the Detection of Clusters in Thin Layers. ÚI SAS is involved in the research activities of the Laboratory for the Preparation and Forming of Nanostructures. Solves research and application tasks in the field of electron lithography.ÚI SAS is involved in the research activities of the Laboratory for the Preparation and Forming of Nanostructures. Solves research and application tasks in the field of electron lithography.ÚI SAS is involved in the research activities of the Laboratory for the Preparation and Forming of Nanostructures. Solves research and application tasks in the field of electron lithography. |
Electron lithograph of nanometer structures for 2D materials based on metal sulfides Electron beam lithography of nanometer strings for 2D materials on the base of metal sulfides | |
annotation: The motivation of the project is based on research into new 2D materials such as metal sulfides (WS2), as well as on the current state of electron lithography (EBL) development, as one of the alternative methods of preparing structures in 2D electronics. The project is dedicated to acquiring new scientific knowledge about the shaping of nanometer structures (10-100nm) in electron resistors. Attention will be paid to research into the influence of processes in electron lithography on the resulting nanometer structures in electron resistors in terms of resolution, accuracy of structure dimensions and roughness of structure edges in resist. Parameters affecting the profile of nanometer structures in polymeric resistors will be studied. An important part of the project are simulations of lithographic parameters el. resistors on thin semiconductor layers, nitride membranes and on layers of 2D materials (WS2).Based on the acquired knowledge and simulations of lithographic parameters, nanometer structures on these materials will be prepared according to current research and development requirements. |
Electron spin polarimeter based on thin ferromagnetic membranes Electron Spin PolaRimeTer based on thin ferromagnetic membranes | |
annotation: The aim of this project is to develop a new type of electron spin polarimeter based on naspin-filtration phenomena in ferromagnetic thin layers. Such a detector can make a significant contribution to innovation in the development of new methods such as the development of spin electron spectroscopy and microscopic techniques. The work focuses on the development of optimized structures showing spin filtration. These structures will combine two types of magnetic membranes with a thickness of several-conanometers based on: – transit metals (Fe, Co) covered by a layer of metalsSpecial technological processes will be developed for the production of thin membranes on suitablesubstrates. The properties of the structures will be evaluated and tested using spinopolarized electron spectroscopy. The motivation of this project is:preparation of joint publications, active participation in conferences in France and Slovakia and preparation of joint scientific events, involvement of young scientists on both sides, preparation of joint international projects, mutual use of special laboratory facilities and collection of research materials in the field of nanotechnologies (spintronics, spin polarimetry, thin layer technology , electron lithography) for pedagogical and popularization purposes also but the French partner’s currently severed contacts with SAV partners.mutual use of special laboratory equipment and collection of research materials of nanotechnology deflection (spintronics, spin polarimetry, thin layer technology, electron lithography) for pedagogical and popularization purposes. The current proposal also aims to restore an existing but currently interrupted French partner with partners from SAS.mutual use of special laboratory equipment and collection of research materials of nanotechnology deflection (spintronics, spin polarimetry, thin layer technology, electron lithography) for pedagogical and popularization purposes. The current proposal also aims to restore an existing but currently interrupted French partner with partners from SAS. |
Physics information Physics of Information | |
annotation: ÚI SAV solves the partial tasks of nanostructures by the method of direct electron lithography and the design of technology and the implementation of the circuit of the microelectromagnetic matrix for the handling of nanoparticles. |
Hybrid spintronic structures controlled by spin-polarized current Hybrid Spintronic Nanostructures Controlled by Spin-Polarized Current | |
annotation: The aim of the project is to make, characterize and research new GMRs and TMR structures for spintronics, which are based on current-induced magnetization flip (CIMS) using magnetic field sensors. We will prepare and examine spintronic GMR and TMR nanostlpics (lateral dimension (150 nm) for research by induced magnetization flip (CIMS). We prepare GMR nanostlpics with UHV deposition and nanoparticle lift-off lithography and electron lithography (EBL). Innovative TMR nanostlpics with built-in magnetic nanocastics will be prepared by a combination of UHV steaming, LB deposition of nanoparticles and EBL. The magnetic configurations of nanostlpics will be investigated by a raster MOKE microscope. The context of the structure of nanostlpics will be analyzed,roughness of interfaces (vertical and lateral correlation of roughness) and Néel’s ferromagnetic bond with magnetic and CIMS behavior of prepared structures in order to achieve a reduction in flip current density. The course of in situ magnetization is examined when it is flipped by a spin-polarized current by simultaneous measurements of the dependencies of dynamic electrical resistance vs. current and Kerr rotation vs. magnetic field. UI SAV addresses the partial task of preparing lithographic resistance masks for the development of GMR nanostlipsUI SAV addresses the partial task of preparing lithographic resistance masks for the development of GMR nanostlipsUI SAV addresses the partial task of preparing lithographic resistance masks for the development of GMR nanostlips |
Micro-electro-mechanical structures and sensors for use in the automotive and transport industries – | |
annotation: The project focuses on independent applied research and development in the field of design of sensors of non-electric physical quantities (chemical sensors, force / pressure / approach sensors, gas sensors). At the same time, the project deals with the technological possibilities of production of micro-electro-mechanical structures (MEMS) through innovative approaches to electron lithography. The project focuses on the domain RIS3 SK Vehicles for the 21st century, where it focuses primarily on the knowledge area Material engineering and nanotechnology and the product line Materials, structures, sensors and elements. In modern vehicles, the use and complexity of electronic technologies is rapidly increasing. All in-vehicle electronic systems depend on input parameters obtained from sensors, with a growing proportion of sensors manufactured using MEMS technologies.The implementation of the research and development itself in the project will contribute to the improvement of the applicant’s research development capacities by involving top researchers from abroad in the research team. Their cooperation with the applicant’s researchers has started in the past and will continue in the coming years during the project solution and during the sustainability of the project. |
Micro-electro-mechanical structures and sensors for use in the automotive and transport industriesCode Micro-electro-mechanical strings and sensors for application in the automotive industry | |
annotation: The project focuses on independent applied research and development in the field of design of sensors of non-electric physical quantities (chemical sensors, force / pressure / approach sensors, gas sensors). At the same time, the project deals with the technological possibilities of production of micro-electro-mechanical structures (MEMS) through innovative approaches to electron lithography. The project is therefore focused on the domain RIS3 SK Vehicles for the 21st century, where it focuses primarily on the knowledge area Material engineering and nanotechnology and the product line Materials, structures, sensors and elements. In modern vehicles, the use and complexity of electronic technologies is rapidly increasing. All in-vehicle electronic systems depend on input parameters obtained from sensors, with a growing proportion of sensors manufactured using MEMS technologies.The implementation of the research and development itself in the project will contribute to the improvement of the applicant’s research development capacities by involving top researchers from abroad in the research team. Their cooperation with the applicant’s researchers has started in the past and will continue in the coming years during the project solution and during the sustainability of the project. |
Nanostructure thin film materials and innovative technologies for MEMS gas and heavy metal sensors Nanostructured thanin-film materials and innovative technologies for MEMS gas and heavy metal sensors | |
annotation: The aim of the project is basic research in the search for new progressive materials based on simple and mixed metal oxides as well as new background materials for microelectrode fields. We assume that our activities will focus on the preparation and research of the properties of thin In2O3, TiO2, NiO layers and their selected combination, while such layers together with a submicometer electrode system and a micromechanical platform based on polyimide membrane will be integrated into MEMS gas detection sensors. Attention will also be paid to pyrolytic carbon layer research as a basis for Bi deposition, with a sensor that includes all 3 electrodes in a vertical arrangement to determine heavy metals in aqueous synthetic solutions and real water samples.For such an integrated sensor, the measurement methodology will be optimized using electrochemical dissolving analysis or potentiometric stripping analysis. |
Durable sensory system for industrial environments with high pressures, temperatures and high degree of electromagnetic interference (EkoWatt) | |
annotation: The aim of the project is to create a sensory system for extreme environments resistant to high temperatures up to 400ºC, high pressures up to 1000 bar and high electromagnetic interference environments. The durable sensor system is designed for built-in (embedded) control systems of technological processes, where the above ambient conditions occur in various combinations. Such systems are ultra-deep wells for the production of electricity from geothermal sources at a depth of up to 10 km, further similar conditions are also in some complex metallurgical processes, demanding welding processes, research and production of new materials at high temperatures and pressures, military area and new hybrid electric cars. |
Advanced MEMS chemical sensors for extreme conditions Advanced MEMS chemical sensors for extreme conditions | |
annotation: The aim of the project is to design, technological implementation and analysis of functional properties and multifunctional principles of sensing an advanced MEMS chemical sensor element based on the piezoelectric material system AlGaN/GaN and InAlN/GaN. The aim of the project team will be to present the newly designed MEMS sensor, in all its multidisciplinary complexity of the solution. In addition to the developed methods of modeling and process technology of the element, great emphasis will be placed on the development of a new methodology of sensing and detection as well as new non-convective optical methods of electro-tepelno-mechanical characterization in static as well as dynamic working conditions of the MEMS element. ÚI SAS solves the partial task of preparing submicrometer structures by the method of direct electron lithography and the implementation of photomasks for the development of MEMS chemical sensors. |
Preparation of \’active\‘ probe microscopy tips by the MOCVD method Preparation of \’active\‘ tips for probes microscopy by MOCVD | |
annotation: The aim of this project is to develop technology „active tips “ probe microscopes with components (transistor, sensors, etc.) located directly on the walls of these tips. In this way, it will be possible to directly evaluate the measured quantity (electric field, magnetic field, temperature, charge, etc.), without intermediate transfer to the mechanical quantity (beam of the beam). The active layer will be on spikes based on quantum heterostructures overgrown with the MOCVD method on GaAs and InP. In addition to the preparation of non-planar objects and their growth by quantum structures, the project goal requires the management of non-planar technological steps such as lithogrophy, metallization preparation, ohmic contacts, passivation, etc. on different crystallographic planes and beyond. We will use computer simulations to determine the transport properties of the components thus prepared.This procedure represents a completely new approach to scanning techniques and in the next period can bring significant application options. The SAV addresses the partial role of multilevel direct electron lithography for shaping active points of probe microscopy, prepared on the basis of quantum heterostructures by the MOCVD method and submicrometer Hall probes and the implementation of photomasks for technology development „active tips>prepared on the basis of quantum heterostructures by the MOCVD method and submicrometer Hall probes and the implementation of photomasks for the development of technology „active tips “ probe microscopes with components (transistors, sensors, etc.) located directly on the walls of these tips.prepared on the basis of quantum heterostructures by the MOCVD method and submicrometer Hall probes and the implementation of photomasks for the development of technology „active tips “ probe microscopes with components (transistors, sensors, etc.) located directly on the walls of these tips. |
Parallel intelligent beam matrix production technology – probe platform for nanometer analysis and synthesis Technology for the Production of Massively Parallel Intelligent Cantilever – Probe Platform for Nanoscale Analysis and Synthes | |
annotation: SAS production support for project 6RP no. 515739 PRONANO for covering non-replicable expenses, e.g. VAT. |
Research on new nanolithographic technologies Investigation of new nanolithographic technologies | |
annotation: The subject of the solution of the proposed project belongs to the development of new nanolithographic technologies and procedures, which are a key technology in the production of nanoelectronic circuits and nanosystems. New and progressive solutions in the development of nanotechnologies will play a crucial role in the production of circuits with element dimensions of less than 50 nm, in nanophotonics, in nanomagnetic elements, in molecular nanotechnology, NEMS (nano-electro-mechanical systems) technology, etc. The preparation of nanometer structures on non-standard substrates by direct lithography with maximum cover accuracy as well as the preparation of membrane masks for ion lithography are the main area of the proposed project. To this it is necessary to optimize the exposures of suitable camouflage materials (resists),data preparation using new algorithms and optimization of new technological processes for structural preparation. |
Research of structures preparation processes for circuits at the nanometer level Investigation of processes for the preparation of strings for nanometer scale services | |
annotation: This project focuses on advanced processes for shaping orthogonal and non-ortogonal structures that will allow microtechnologies to expand into the nanometer region. New approaches to exposure procedures and residue procedures will be explored, as well as correlation with subsequent plasma reactive ion etching (RIE) technology. Achieving these goals will require systematic study of the limiting factors in the interaction of electrons with and induction of different types of resistors, the subsequent complex process of interaction of technological parameters such as acceleration voltage, exposure dose, induction conditions, as well as interaction with subsequent technological steps (dry plasma etching, lift-off, etc.). |